6 de diciembre de 2007
5 de diciembre de 2007
Check out Google's latest ideas
Google is always experimenting with new features aimed at improving the search experience. Take one for a spin and let us know what you think.
New! Join an experiment and you'll see that feature whenever you do a Google search. Your selected experiment: You have joined the experiment. Note that you can only join ONE experiment at a time.
Published by
Alex Braun
Google Releases Video Explaining Search Results
Title - Usually the title of your website but Google can use listings from the Open Directory Project if it deems this to be more relevant. Matt also gives an SEO tip that webmasters should aim to use relevant keywords in their title tag.
Snippet - This text can be taken from the meta description tag, the Open Directory Project or from text on the webpage. Google may take text from anywhere on the page in an effort to serve the most relevant data.
Plus Box - The plus box can provide additional information such as stock quotes or address information if it is relevant for a particular search.
URL - The URL line displays the websites web address, Cached link and some other relevant links. The cached link shows when the webpage was last crawled by Google spiders as well as its content at this time. This can be useful if the actual URL is down or under maintenance.
Bolding - Google bolds the search term throughout search results so users can determine how relevant the website may be to their query.
Site links - These links provide additional sub-pages from the URL as determined by Google spiders. There is no money involved with these links and they are strictly determined by Google's algorithm.
I hope Matt's video helped you understand the different areas of Google search results. If you have any questions, or want to get indexed in Google in only 7 days, please leave a comment below!
Published by
Alex Braun
26 de noviembre de 2007
***My Software Pack
Published by
Alex Braun
24 de noviembre de 2007
Iran Shows Off Missles Marked as: Mature
Iran's Revolutionary Guards test fired missiles at the start of a three-day war game that will be staged across the country, the second round of manoeuvres this month.
Iran's state news agency, IRNA, said the exercises included firing short, medium and long-range missiles, including Zelzal missiles.
The war games that started on Monday are being staged by the Guards' ground forces in 16 provinces, state media reported. There was no further information as to where the tests were being conducted.
Iran is at loggerheads with the United States over its nuclear programme in what Washington calls Tehran's meddling in Iraq. Washington has sent a second aircraft carrier to the Gulf but U.S. officials say they are not planning a war.
Devil Russians
Published by
Alex Braun
22 de noviembre de 2007
18 de noviembre de 2007
17 de noviembre de 2007
14 de noviembre de 2007
Rabbi Meir Kahane at Beverly Hilton Part 2 of 2
Great video. This guy was very profetic. In retrospect it makes sense.
Published by
Alex Braun
1 comentarios
Ghost caught on security tape at gas station
Walking Through Wall Caught On Camera
A Ghost In The Yard
Alien behind Bush!!!! AMAZING FOOTAGE! Grey reveals itself
Published by
Alex Braun
chavez calls aznar fascist y estupidos a toledo de peru y a fox de mexico hahahahahahahahhaahah
Published by
Alex Braun
12 de noviembre de 2007
ElBaradei is for the Nazi Ahmedinejad
ElBaradei is a very bad person who gets honors when he should be put in jail for falshood and wityhold of the truth to war against the west in favor of Iran.
Published by
Alex Braun
Bush to Go Public on Iran’s Secret Nuclear Arms Activities
Bush to Go Public on Iran’s Secret Nuclear Arms Activities
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
November 12, 2007, 11:22 AM (GMT+02:00)
USS Harry Truman nuclear carrier
President George W. Bush is developing a new strategy for tackling Iran’s determined pursuit of a nuclear weapons program. He sounded out French president Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on his new ideas when they came over separately for talks in the last few days.
He is also in rapport with Russian president Vladimir Putin through confidential channels.
DEBKAfile’s Washington sources report that the US president’s plan is to put before the public new findings on Iran’s nuclear secrets, drawn from data gathered by the United States, Russia, France, Germany and Israel, and use the publicity as a fulcrum to push hard for tough international sanctions.
The White House hopes thereby to compel Tehran to level on its military nuclear program, whose existence it has so far denied, and demonstrate the failure of the international nuclear watchdog’s director, Mohammed ElBaradei and his vast inspection organization, to uncover the underhand nuclear activities in progress in Iran and Syria. Washington hopes that once the real facts are in the open, Russia and China, which back ElBaradei, will endorse a third round of UN Security Council sanctions, tough enough to progressively place Iran under economic siege.
Monday, Nov. 12, Merkel hosted Sarkozy in Berlin to line up their positions in the light of their talks with the US president and a week before the five permanent UN Security Council members and Germany convene ahead of a full council meeting on sanctions. Sarkozy is more fired up for harsh measures than Merkel. But even she admitted after meeting Bush at his Crawford ranch Saturday, Nov. 10, that failing diplomatic progress with Iran, “We need to think about further possible sanctions.”
Putin is the key to the imposition of multilateral sanctions and their effectiveness.
European companies, especially in Germany, fear that their economic boycott of trade with Iran will create a gap into which Russia and China will eagerly step. The failure of the Russian president’s talks in Tehran last month left him more amenable to an accommodation with Bush than before. His cooperation in the Bush strategy would leave China as the only standout.
The US president and his spokesmen have reiterated their commitment to pursuing diplomacy. On the other hand, declaring Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps al Qods Brigade a global terrorist group has placed the US military option squarely on the table, which all the European are anxious to avert.
They will have noticed that military tensions in the region are rising again. US naval, air and marine forces are again beginning to pile up around Iran’s Gulf shores, while Tehran threatens to unleash “wave upon wave” of suicide fighters against “aggressors.”
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that in recent months, the USS Enterprise was the only US nuclear carrier cruising Gulf waters with its strike force. It has now been joined by the USS Nimitz Strike Group, one of the largest warships afloat today. Furthermore, on Nov. 5, a third nuclear carrier, the USS Harry S. Truman set out quietly from its Norfolk base for the Gulf with 7,500 sailors and marines aboard the carrier and its strike force.
All three carrier groups are escorted by fast nuclear submarines, cruisers and missile destroyers.
Upon its arrival, the Enterprise will head out of the Gulf, unless is departure is delayed by significant security concerns in the Gulf or Middle East regions. It will leave behind the two US Marine carriers the USS Wasp and the USS Kearsage , with thousands of marines and landing craft on their decks.
According to our sources in Washington, the event which galvanized the US president into launching a new initiative on Iran was the Pakistan crisis. He calculated that, if Pervez Musharraf were to be overthrown, a new regime in Islamabad, whether or not it is Islamist, could well opt for close military and political ties with Tehran. The menace of a nuclear axis between Islamabad and Tehran must be prevented at all costs. Therefore, the pressure on Iran must be ratcheted up with all speed.
The rulers of Tehran are fully aware of the sense of urgency in the White House about curbing Iran’s nuclear ambitions by exposure and crippling sanctions and, DEBKAfile’s Iran sources report, are preparing counter-measures.
On Nov. 6, Muhammad Ali Hosseini, Iranian foreign ministry spokesman was asked about the threat from the Revolutionary Guards Navy chief Gen. Ali Fadwi to deploy suicide fighters if needed was the official Tehran line. He replied: “Martyrdom is a holy phenomenon that is affirmed by the Islamic religion which regards defense against aggression as a duty. Thus martyrdom is also a valuable tool for deterring attacks.”
Even the relatively moderate Iranian political circles feel bound to show the flag.
On Nov. 4, the Iranian daily Aftab-e Yazd, which speaks for Tehran’s political “reformists” (president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s main opposition), quoted ex-members of Iran’s delegation to the IAEA on ElBaradei remark, which so enraged Washington, that he has found no evidence of Tehran developing nuclear weapons:
“Trust is another issue; one has to see how much Al-Baradi’i will stand by his remarks in the future,” said one official. “I think it is unlikely he will not change them if pressured. Overall, I take a positive view of Al-Baradi’I’s statements. I believe he is acting in the framework of his duties. If he did not make these positive or peaceful statements, he would open the way for an attack by the West and the Zionists.”
A second senior Iranian official added: “The Agency has a duty to examine a country’s past and present program. Even if a country shows it is deviating from the peaceful path, the agency is not tasked with taking punitive measures against that country, but must take a corrective measure.”
Therefore, even circles in Tehran which are relatively moderate compared with the rabid president deny anyone the right to punish Iran - even if it is proven to be running a secret military nuclear program - only corrective measures which must also be negotiated. To keep them cowed, the Iranian president Monday, Nov. 12, called critics of his country's nuclear program “traitors” and vowed to expose “their collaboration with Iran's enemies.”
DEBKAfile's Tehran sources report a mounting groundswell of criticism for Iran's nuclear program prompted Ahmadinejad's denunciation.
Published by
Alex Braun
Enfrentamiento Rey /Hugo Chavez. Iñaki Anasagasti. (2)
Enfrentamiento Rey /Hugo Chavez. Iñaki Anasagasti. (2)
King of Spain tells Hugo Chávez to shut up
Mientras Hugo Chavez habla casi al final del video, el Rey hace el mobimiento de subir y bajar la mano por el pene como si se estuviera masturbando. Velo!
Published by
Alex Braun
11 de noviembre de 2007
10 de noviembre de 2007
Racist Attack on Spainish train...cctv footage
Man assaults 16 year old Ecuadorian girl on a train in Madrid.
Habla Agresor de ecuatoriana en metro de España
Published by
Alex Braun
Violent Anti Chavez protests in Venezuela
Naomi Campbell Vists Venezuela's Hugo Chavez
Supermodel Naomi Campbell visits video Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on October 30, 2007.
Published by
Alex Braun
Royal Band Greets Saudi King With Darth Vader Song
Royal Band Greets Saudi King With Darth Vader Song
In front of the King a guard of honour of the Welsh Guards and the Household Cavalry was drawn up on the square; the Guards band played stirring patriotic tunes such as the themes from Indiana Jones and Star Wars. As the King stepped out of his car they switched to the – mercifully short – Saudi national anthem as the green and white Saudi flag was unfurled atop Horse Guards alongside the Royal Standard.
Major Ben Ramsay, commanding the guard of honour, stepped forward and in fluent – so we believe – Arabic invited the King to inspect the Guardsmen. It is another Palace touch; state visitors whose mother tongue is not English are always issued with the invitation in their own language.
It all took ten minutes, the standard time for a formal arrival. The King, accompanied by his interpreter, climbed into the Australian State Coach with the Queen for the ride down The Mall to lunch at the Palace. His retinue followed in coaches and open landaus.
Published by
Alex Braun
How to handle a Telemarketer.
Recording of Tom Mabe ripping a telemarketer. Very Funny.
Published by
Alex Braun
Scary korean automated toilet
I am surprised it doesnt make capuccino.
Published by
Alex Braun
Seinfeld flips on 'Larry King Live'
Seinfeld flips on 'Larry King Live'
Seinfeld flips on 'Larry King Live'
Published by
Alex Braun
King Tut's Mummified Remains Make First Public Appearance
Published by
Alex Braun
Pope and the Saudi King meet
Pope and the Saudi King meet
(raw) Reuters Nov. 6 - Pope Benedict and Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah held a historic meeting and discussed the situation of minority Christians in the Islamic country.
It was the first meeting between a Pope and a Saudi monarch, custodian of two of Islam's holiest shrines.
The Vatican wants greater rights for the some 1 million Catholics who live in the Saudi Arabia, most of them migrant workers who are not allowed to practice their religion in public.
At the end of the meeting, the king gave the Pope a gold and silver sword studded with precious jewels, in keeping with a bedouin custom the Saudis follow when foreign leaders visit their country.
The king also presented Benedict with a small silver and gold statue depicting a palm tree and a man riding a camel.
Published by
Alex Braun
The Microbial Universe
The Microbial Universe - Part 1
A great documentary on microbes 1/12 parts. follow the next part after the current is over by clicking the YouTube options.
Part 2
Part 3
Published by
Alex Braun
7 de noviembre de 2007
StumbleUpon Adds SearchReviews
StumbleUpon Adds SearchReviews
Published by
Alex Braun
5 de noviembre de 2007
St Germain- So flute
St Germain- So flute
This is good for Holland
my name is zero
Published by
Alex Braun
N-Gels ft. E.Desanges-Sex Mashine
yes welcome to my blog, meet my friends.
Published by
Alex Braun
moon luna
La luna es bella y es interezante. Hay bases en la luna de otros lados
moon with clouds
La luna tiene nubes. Obladi oblada
Tambien hay bases de otros lados
Published by
Alex Braun
C. Lab-Ornothology-HD 1080p
C. Lab-Ornothology-HD 1080p
Published by
Alex Braun
Neil Young
Neil Young Four Strong Winds (live)
Neil Young - Heart Of Gold
Neil Young Harvest Moon (live)
Neil Young Heart Of Gold (live)
Down By The River
Neil Young When God Made Me (live)
Neil Young Old Man BBC 1971
Neil Young - Heart Of Gold
Neil Young - Mr Soul (live)
Neil Young Falling Off The Face Of The Earth (live)
Neil Young Old Man BBC 1971
Neil Young - Heart Of Gold
Neil Young Four Strong Winds (live)
Published by
Alex Braun
Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali - A Fondo (Joaquin Soler Serrano) TVE
Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali : Journey of a Man
Published by
Alex Braun
4 de noviembre de 2007
LiveLeak Dispatch
LiveLeak Dispatch 04-02-07 (Higher Rez) | |
Welcome to the LiveLeak Dispatch Weekend Edition. Running a little later than advertised due to some technical issues this is the first of our weekend editions. On the show we talk LiveLeak with Hayden, discussing new and upcoming features and where we are heading. Also an interview from Beirut where we talk about the building tensions within the country. Please leave all comments in the low rez post. |
Published by
Alex Braun
Bush Administration Blocked Waterboarding Critic
Bush Administration Blocked Waterboarding Critic | Marked as: Mature |
By JAN CRAWFORD GREENBURG and ARIANE de VOGUE Nov. 2, 2007 A senior Justice Department official, charged with reworking the administration's legal position on torture in 2004 became so concerned about the controversial interrogation technique of waterboarding that he decided to experience it firsthand, sources told ABC News. Video U.S. Official Undergoes Waterboarding Daniel Levin, then acting assistant attorney general, went to a military base near Washington and underwent the procedure to inform his analysis of different interrogation techniques. After the experience, Levin told White House officials that even though he knew he wouldn't die, he found the experience terrifying and thought that it clearly simulated drowning. Levin, who refused to comment for this story, concluded waterboarding could be illegal torture unless performed in a highly limited way and with close supervision. And, sources told ABC News, he believed the Bush Administration had failed to offer clear guidelines for its use. Bush Administration Blocked Critic The administration at the time was reeling from an August 2002 memo by Jay Bybee, then the head of the Office of Legal Counsel, which laid out possible justifications for torture. In June 2004, Levin's predecessor at the office, Jack Goldsmith, officially withdrew the Bybee memo, finding it deeply flawed. When Levin took over from Goldsmith, he went to work on a memo that would effectively replace the Bybee memo as the administration's legal position on torture. It was during this time that he underwent waterboarding. In December 2004, Levin released the new memo. He said, "Torture is abhorrent" but he went on to say in a footnote that the memo was not declaring the administration's previous opinions illegal. The White House, with Alberto Gonzales as the White House counsel, insisted that this footnote be included in the memo. But Levin never finished a second memo imposing tighter controls on the specific interrogation techniques. Sources said he was forced out of the Justice Department when Gonzales became attorney general. Critics Decry Waterboarding as Torture Critics say waterboarding should never be used. According to retired Rear Adm. John Hutson, "There is no question this is torture -- this is a technique by which an individual is strapped to a board, elevated by his feet and either dunked into water or water poured over his face over a towel or a blanket." The legal justification of waterboarding has come to the forefront in the debate swirling around Michael B. Mukasey's nomination for attorney general. While Democrats are pressing him to declare waterboarding illegal, he has refused to do so. He calls it personally "repugnant," but he is unwilling to declare it illegal until he can see the classified information regarding the technique and its current use. |
Published by
Alex Braun
Sharika Shaking Her Booty.....
Sharika Shaking Her Booty..... | Marked as: Mature |
A compilation of her various Shakes :) |
Published by
Alex Braun
3 de noviembre de 2007
Pakistan Ordnance Factory - POF
Pakistan Ordnance Factory - POF
Pakistan Ordnance Factories is the largest defence industrial complex under the ministry of defence production, producing conventional arms & ammo to international standards. In 1951 POF was established as expanded as a sprawling complex of fourteen mainstream industries and six commercial subsidiaries. These are * Weapon Factory * Machine Gun Factory * Small Arm Ammo Factory * Medium Artillery Ammo Factory * Heavy Artillery Ammo Factory * Tank & Anti Tank Ammo Factory * Explosive Factory * Filling Factory * Propellants Factory * Tungsten Alloy Factory * Tungston Carbide Factory * Steel Foundry * Brass Mills * Garments Factory
Subsideries are: * Wah Nobel * Wah Industries * Hi Tech Plastics * Attock Chemicals
Situated about 45 Km from Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan, POF has its main manufacturing facilities located at Wah Cantt, a model city with some of the best civic amenities in the country.
An international name in quality and reliability, all manufacturing units of POF are ISO-9001 - ISO-14001 certified. Its metallurgical testing labs and ballistic proof ranges have the world class recognition of ISO 17025.
With technologies & equipments acquired from USA, UK, France, Germany & China, these factories employ some of the latest state of the art processes, including computerized numerical controlled machines and flexible Manufacturing systems for the production of precision components.
The wide range of products include a variety of NATO caliber Infantry weapons and their ammo, Tank ammo, Air craft and anti air craft ammo, Artillery ammo, Rockets, Air craft bombs, Pyrotechnics, Mortar bombs and Hand grenade & a number of ordnance and commercial products.
Cluster Image OF Ordanance Products
In addition to meeting the demands of Defence Forces, POF products are in service with over 30 countries with an ever expanding galaxy of satisfied customers.
Pakistan Ordnance Factories also specialize in the manufacture of commerical explosive, hunting ammunition and posses extensive facilities for the manufacture of brass, copper and aluminum ingots, extrusions and sections for non-military applications. A garments factory, which has the state of the art cloth cutting facilities and most modern stiching units, manufactures military uniforms and can also cater for the needs of the civil sector.
POF also provides specialized training in courses related to armanent production in its Institute of Technology equipped with some of the latest simulation and training aids.
Come and visit us at International Exhibitions in Europe, Middle East, South Africa and Far East.
Pakistan Ordnance Factories re-regineering to meet the challenges of the new millenium. (more)
Published by
Alex Braun
Iranian Cartoon Ridicules West on Nuclear Case
Iranian Cartoon Ridicules West on Nuclear Case
Published by
Alex Braun
Floods in Mexico
Floods In Mexico Lead To Mass Evacuation.
Thousands of people were evacuated from their homes in the southern Mexican state of Tabasco, where heavy rain has lead to severe flooding. Local media reports said around 200,000 people had been affected by the flooding.
Published by
Alex Braun
RAW: Dramatic rescue from floods in Mexico
RAW: Dramatic rescue from floods in Mexico
Major flooding hits southeastern Mexico. Authorities are rescuing people from the rising water.
• Mexico AP
Added On November 1, 2007
Published by
Alex Braun
Floods Swamp Mexican state
Floods Swamp Mexican state
BBC 11/01/07 Tabasco Mexico, severe flooding has forced thousands from their homes, and many wait for rescue. A half million people are in crisis.
Published by
Alex Braun
2 de noviembre de 2007
1 de noviembre de 2007
31 de octubre de 2007
Published by
Alex Braun
29 de octubre de 2007
Coming in for landing then gets waved off...watch how close he almost touched the ground with right wing...((WOW)) |
Published by
Alex Braun
28 de octubre de 2007
Peace Begins Within Me
Meditation For Letting Go
Of Anger
Peace Begins Within Me
Published by
Alex Braun
Israel need to defend itself
Many people are inlove with the notion of fighting for the "underdog" The Palestinians and the 70 wolves surrounding Israel have reconciled from the beging with a machiavelian view to win against Israel. That is the source of the continuation of the problems there.
Protestors block a highway in Palestine Oct 25/07 Marked as: Featured
An anti-apartheid protest blocked busy Highway 443, one of many highways that run on Palestinian land but are reserved for Israelis only. Israeli Security forces used force to move the demonstrators. Three of the protesters were arrested and released with conditions limiting their movement.
Published by
Alex Braun
The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, by Bill Moyers
Published by
Alex Braun
european union uk
Published by
Alex Braun
25 de octubre de 2007
23 de octubre de 2007
Full CBS Interview with Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Published by
Alex Braun
22 de octubre de 2007
Ahmadinejad’s Aggressive Nuclear Policy Prevails in Tehran
Ahmadinejad’s Aggressive Nuclear Policy Prevails in Tehran
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report and Analysis
October 20, 2007, 2:37 PM (GMT+02:00)
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has laid down the gauntlet.
Having prevailed over the more pragmatic elements of the Islamic Republican regime headed by supreme ruler Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, he and his Revolutionary Guards are challenging the United States to do its worst.
Saturday, Oct. 20, the fire-eating president succeeded in removing the formidable Iranian nuclear negotiator, head of the National Security Council, Ali Larijani, from his path. He then sent the Revolutionary Guards missile and artillery commander, Gen. Mahmoud Chaharbaghshe, to warn that, in the first minute of an attack on Iran, the Islamic Republic would fire 11,000 missiles and mortars against enemy (US and Israeli) bases. The scale of ordnance threatened implied Tehran’s certainty that Syria, Hizballah, Hamas and the pro-Iranian militias in Iraq would join the assault.
DEBKAfile’s Iran sources report that the president’s venture into brinkmanship points to his confidence that neither the US not Israel can or will dare to strike at Iran’s clandestine nuclear facilities. Khamenei has shown no sign as yet of reining him in.
The Russian president Vladimir Putin’s visit last week to Tehran was a disappointment to the clerical rulers. Contracts for the Russians to complete the Bushehr atomic reactor and supply the fuel for its activation were not signed during that visit, although they had been drawn up previously between Larijani and the head of the Russian Nuclear Energy Commission Sergei Kiriyenko in Moscow.
At the last minute, Ahmadinejad, backed up by the IRGC chiefs, put his foot down against Putin’s pre-condition which was incorporated in the contract for a joint Russian-Iranian mechanism to oversee the reactor and guarantee its non-use for weapons production.
Putin made a last attempt to talk Tehran round in a long conversation with the supreme ruler Wednesday, Oct. 17, before he flew out of Tehran.
Initially, there were reports that the Russian president had presented new proposals for solving the crisis, which Khamenei promised to seriously examine. The Iranian News Agency IRNA then quoted Khamenei as saying noncommittally: “We will ponder your words and proposal.”
However, on Friday, Oct. 19, Ahmadinejad made remarks which contradicted statements by the supreme ruler and Larijani. He denied that Putin had brought any new proposals to Tehran on the Bushehr nuclear reactor. This denial had the effect of presenting Larijani as a failure. His efforts to achieve a new set of Iranian-Russian nuclear contracts and a breakthrough for Tehran that would have kept Moscow in the international camp opposed to tougher UN Security Council sanctions were shown up as useless.
The Iranian president had manipulated the episode in such a way as to leave the nuclear negotiator no option but to quit.
In contrast to the ultra-radicals, Larijani is described by DEBKAfile’s Iranian sources as a practical diplomat who believed in a compromise that would let Iran continue its uranium enrichment process and develop its nuclear program, up to the point of weapons capability, without taking the final step of actually making a bomb.
His humiliation marks the further rise in Ahmadinejad’s influence and his unimpeded drive to go all the way to a military showdown with the United States and Israel over Iran’s nuclear ambitions. In private conversations in Tehran, the president argues that neither is in a position to go to war against the Islamic Republic.
Our military sources stress that the Iranian nuclear program no longer relies exclusively on uranium enrichment to attain a weapon, but has also turned to plutonium as an alternative path to a weapons capacity. The Bushehr reactor is a matter or national pride in Iran, but whether or not it is activating does not affect its military nuclear plans one way or another.
The production of plutonium for weapons is relatively simple and cheap, a fact that was exposed by Israel’s air strike in northern Syria on Sept. 6.
If even Syria can build a small nuclear reactor for plutonium production with North Korean help, there is no reason to assume that Iran has not built an active reactor of this kind and is hiding it underground.
While much has been made of North Korea’s input for Syrian’s nuclear activities, little has been said about Iran’s assistance, which DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources estimate as far more substantial. In other words, North Korea is not the only nuclear proliferators; Iran is consistently violating its commitments under the Non-Proliferation Accord by passing its military nuclear secrets to Syria.
Published by
Alex Braun
Cheney: “We will not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon"
October 22, 2007, 1:15 PM (GMT+02:00)
The US vice president said Sunday, Oct. 21, in an address to the Washington Institute for Near East Studies: "Our country, and the entire international community, cannot stand by as a terror-supporting state fulfills its grandest ambitions.''
If the Iranian regime continues to practice delay and deceit to buy time, the US and other nations are prepared to take action, Cheney said - without spelling out whether he was referring to military or other action.
Friday, the incoming Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Michael Mullen said US forces are capable of operations against Iran’s nuclear facilities or other targets. At his first conference, he said: “From a military standpoint, there is more than enough reserve to respond if that, in fact, is what the national leadership wanted to do,” he said. “And so I don’t think we’re stretched in that regard.”
Published by
Alex Braun
Google Gears es considerada una amenaza al imperio Microsoft
Usa Google aun sin Internet
viernes, junio 01, 2007
Google Gears es considerada una amenaza al imperio Microsoft, que se basa en ventas de software instalado en computadoras personales.
Google lanzó una tecnología que permite a los internautas utilizar sus programas gratuitos, hasta ahora sólo accesibles en línea, como el correo electrónico o la agenda interactiva sin conexión a Internet, informó.
Esta herramienta bautizada como Google Gears y presentada en Sydney, es una amenaza al imperio Microsoft, que se basa en venta de software instalado en computadoras personales.
"Con Google Gears eliminamos una de las mayores limitaciones del browser a fin de crear una plataforma más fuerte para desplegar toda clase de aplicaciones", dijo su director ejecutivo, Eric Schmidt en un comunicado.
Google lanzó en los últimos meses una serie de programas en línea gratuitos y financiados por publicidad que no necesitan ser instalados en un equipo, y permiten acceder a datos y documentos desde cualquier computadora conectada a Internet.
El paquete comprende el servicio de correo electrónico (Google Mail), edición de texto (Docs & Spreadsheets), mensajería instantánea (Google Talk), creación de blogs (Blogger), agenda (Calendar), tratamiento de fotos (Picasa) y creación de páginas web (Page Creator).
La nueva extensión descarga suficientes datos para permitir a los usuarios que continúen usando los programas incluso cuando estén desconectados.
Google Gears es una aplicación abierta, lo que significa que los programadores son libres de adaptarlos a su gusto. En ese sentido la firma afirmó que está dispuesta a trabajar con otras empresas para desarrollar los estándares de su funcionalidad fuera de Internet.
Published by
Alex Braun
No se cuantos de ustedes compran en SAM's
No se cuantos de ustedes compran en SAM's
pero esta información les puede ser útil.
Les mando esta información para avisarles, ya que fui victima de una estafa mientras hacia mis compras.
Fue en el SAM's de Miguel Alemán, pero pudo ser en cualquier otro almacén.
Así es como funciona: Dos niñas espectaculares se le acercan mientras usted esta guardando sus compras en la cajuela de su carro. Limpian el parabrisas con esponja y producto limpiador.
Sus senos prácticamente salen de sus camisetas así que es casi imposible no prestarles atención.
Usted les ofrece una propina pero la rechazan y le piden que más bien las lleve a otra tienda de la ciudad.
Usted acepta y se suben en el asiento de atrás. Durante el camino empiezan a hacer el amor.
Luego una se pasa al asiento del pasajero y le practica sexo oral mientras la otra le roba la billetera.
Este alerta!! Podría sucederle a usted también.
A mi me robaron el viernes pasado, también el sábado......... 2 veces el domingo, otra el lunes, otra vez el martes , el miércoles, ayer, y mañana voy a ir a ver si están...
Published by
Alex Braun
18 de octubre de 2007
17 de octubre de 2007
16 de octubre de 2007
President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran in Tehran today.
Published by
Alex Braun
15 de octubre de 2007
2012: Matrix Singularity Seminar Part 1--Accelerating Change
Published by
Alex Braun
14 de octubre de 2007
2007胡錦濤檢閲香港三軍 President Hu reviews PLA garrison troops in HK
Published by
Alex Braun
13 de octubre de 2007
11 de octubre de 2007
UK Green Lights Iran Strike
Brown gives backing to Bush for tactical strikes as "counter-terrorism"
Steve Watson
Monday, Oct 8, 2007
Reports in the British press this weekend have suggested that Gordon Brown's government has promised to back U.S. led strikes on Iranian military bases but not on the country's nuclear facilities.
A report in the London Telegraph citing senior Pentagon officials indicates that Britain will support an attack if the Islamic republic orchestrates large-scale attacks by militants against British or American forces in Iraq:
After talks with President George W Bush in July, Mr Brown left US officials with the belief that Britain was "on board" for a military response — but only if Iran was proved to be behind a big militant attack or another stunt similar to the kidnapping in March of British sailors.
The US wants Britain's Special Air Service Regiment to take part in special forces raids inside Iran and has requested help from the Royal Navy to combat Iranian retaliation in the Gulf.
A follow up report in the Telegraph today suggests that the Neocon Whitehouse has abandoned plans to take out Iran's nuclear capabilities and will instead use "terrorism" as the justification to bomb the country.
(Article continues below)
"What's on the table right now is tactical strikes," Vincent Cannistraro, intelligence chief on Ronald Reagan's National Security Council and erstwhile head of operations for the CIA's counter-terrorist center, told the Telegraph's Tim Shipman.
"The British Government is in accord with plans to launch limited strikes on facilities inside Iran, on the basis of counter-terrorism." While the US Air Force and naval jets could carry out raids without help from the RAF, the Pentagon is keen to have the Royal Navy's cooperation in the event of an attack, to prevent Iran from sowing mines in the Gulf to block oil exports in retaliation," he added.
According to the reports a Downing Street spokesman said: "While we won't comment on the specifics of conversations between the Prime Minister and the President of the United States, this is not a version of events we recognise."
However, the reports dovetail with recent analysis by the veteran journalist Seymour Hersh, who revealed that his sources told him U.S. commanders had been drawing up plans to target Iran's nuclear facilities but were told this summer to focus instead on the Revolutionary guards, who have been blamed for attacks on U.S. and British forces in Iraq.
The recent decision by Congress to classify the Iranian guard as a "terrorist organization" also clears the way for a British backed counter-terrorist strike.
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Zbigniew Brzezinski, founder of the elite Trilateral Commission and the national security adviser to former President Carter, plainly laid out the theatre that is planned to unfold in coming months when he said last week that the Bush plan was to depict any air strike on Iran as "responding to what is an intolerable situation. This time, unlike the attack in Iraq, we're going to play the victim."
Brzezinski, along with other elite figures such as Gary Hart of the Council on foreign relations, have also implied that a false flag terrorist event, either within the U.S. or Iraq could be used as justification to launch immediate strikes on Iran.
Clearly the Neocons realise that the public is not going to accept a fresh confrontation with Iran based on a different set of circumstances and so has shifted its rhetoric from the nuclear issue back to the so called "war on terror" and is attempting to tie Iran in with the insurgency in Iraq despite any convincing intelligence.
The fact that the justification for any attack on Iran keeps changing, just as it did with Iraq before and after the 2003 invasion, clearly indicates that the only thing that matters to the Neocon globalists running the Whitehouse is that they get their conflict escalation and are able to march on unimpeded and conquer another financially independent and sovereign state in the middle east.
Published by
Alex Braun
Crop Circles and Occultic, Masonic & Illuminati Symbols
Published by
Alex Braun
10 de octubre de 2007
9 de octubre de 2007
Magic 'Fish Spa' Attracts More
A newly emerged "fish spa" is becoming fashionable in many hot spring resorts, and has attracted even more customers, all curious about this peculiar treatment.
At such a spa, many Garra Rufa, a type of small tropical fish, also nicknamed Chinchin Yu, nibble fish or simply doctor fish, are put in hot springs. As they can live and swim freely in at least 43-degree-hot waters, they are naturally used for the treatment of skin diseases in such spas.
A girl soaks in the hot spring enjoying the "fish spa" in Huizhou, south China's Guangdong Province.
When placed in the spa, these fish can feed themselves on the dead cells of the human body, since they only consume such cells, leaving the healthy skin of the human body to grow. The whole process is reportedly free of pain. It won't hurt and the bather might feel a pleasant tingling on his or her skin.
The fish species are often found in the river basins in the Middle East, including Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey, and thus is also called Turkish Fish. It is legally protected from commercial exploitation in Turkey due to concerns over harvesting for export.
In 2006, the first Asian Doctor Fish spa resort opened in Hakone, Japan. These fish are used to clean the feet of the bathers at the spa. Recently, such spas become fashionable in resorts in China and South Korea.
Published by
Alex Braun
The US plans new military presence in Lebanon including big air installation close by Syrian border
The air base, according to DEBKAfile’s military sources, will be located at Kleiat in northern Lebanon roughly 75 air miles from Damascus, which these days doubles as a shared Syrian-Iranian military hub and Tehran’s eastern Mediterranean forward base. The American air installation will also lie 22 air miles from Tartous, Syria’s main naval base and the Russian Mediterranean fleet’s command center. And the aircraft posted there will be minutes away from the joint Syrian-Iranian arms and missiles industries at Homs and Hamma.
DEBKAfile’s source report the Bush administration’s drastic change of policy on Lebanon was settled in consultations at the Pentagon and National Security Council after the talks the chief of the US Central Command Adm. William Fallon held with Lebanese government heads on July 29.
This new direction was confirmed after the Israeli air raid over Syria of Sept. 6.
It brings the American military back to Lebanon after a 25-year absence. In 1983, President Ronald Reagan pulled US troops out of the country after Syrian military intelligence orchestrated terrorist bombing attacks on the US embassy and Marines headquarters in Beirut, which left more than 300 soldiers, diplomats and CIA agents dead.
The first stage of construction will reactivate the small defunct air base at Kleiat as a joint US-Lebanese venture. Prime minister Fouad Siniora will explain that the four months of bloody fighting to crush the Fatah al-Islam revolt in the northern Nahar al-Bared camp demonstrated how badly the Lebanese army needs an operational air base in the region. US Air Force engineers and technicians have begun work on the new air field. At a later stage, it will be expanded for American military use.
Published by
Alex Braun
The secret's out We must get used to new reality where Google Earth uncovers our top secrets
We must get used to new reality where Google Earth uncovers our top secrets
Alex Fishman
Before anything else, this satellite image website must shake our consciousness. We must understand that terms such as "ambiguity" and "state secrets" are being gradually eroded as a result of technological leaps.
This is simply a strip show. We feel as if we're wearing something, but in fact we're wearing nothing. Nothing to cover it up. We're transparent.
The State of Israel and its sensitive facilities lost another layer this week that previously served to cover them. If up until now, we only exposed ourselves to the satellites of superpowers, then now, as a result of the upgraded quality of Google Earth's satellite images, Israel's most secretive sites are apparently exposed not only to any intelligence agency, but to any Internet user.
Even if we're talking about images that are out-of-date, from a year or two ago, and with picture resolutions that are not the highest possible, what we have here is a pool of information that any intelligence body would be willing to invest plenty of money and effort to get a hold of.
From now on, when a member of the global Jihad network will be sent to gather intelligence information about a sensitive site in Israel, his masters would be able to provide him with exact coordinates to be entered into Google Earth's search window on his laptop – and that's it. The program will assist him in preparing the operation: It will show him the target from up close and enable him to identify a nearby building where he can observe the target, as well as escape routes.
Until now, guiding a terrorist or agent with such level of accuracy required a complex intelligence gathering effort. Today, this information is openly available and accessible to all. Just grab some satellite images and go on a tour of Israel's secret facilities.
The identification of sensitive strategic and security sites in Israel is a major objective for countries such as Iran and Syria. The intelligence gathering ability of Arab states in Israel is rather limited, particularly in all matters pertaining to the gathering of military intelligence via cutting-edge technologies. Until now, these countries were forced to rely on superpowers and commercial companies, which usually sold low-resolution images.
This, by the way, demonstrates the kind of advantage acquired by Israel vis-à-vis the enemy after we were able to develop an independent capability to launch spy satellites.
Pure gold for terrorists
However, now that we have this strip show, Arab states find it easier to point to the location they are interested in. When this website is used by an expert, who knows exactly what he's looking for at the sensitive site, the quality provided by the site may be enough to confirm or reject the existence of one site or another or of certain capabilities attributed to Israel.
If Google Earth is able to provide an image of a sensitive bunker or a missile battery, it in fact provides coordinates that can be used to accurately aim ballistic missiles to target.
If this program is an asset for enemy countries, it is no less than pure gold for terrorists. Until now, Islamic Jihad used the program in order to improve its Qassam fire on civilian targets. Today, with the program also identifying military targets, why should Islamic Jihad ignore them?
This transparency, which will only grow, creates a major problem for the entire world. In the '60s and '70s, when the US felt threatened by Soviet spy satellites, it invested $15 billion in hiding its ballistic missile arsenal underground. This is not the solution Israel needs, or can, adopt. Moreover, it is reasonable to assume that in the near future it would be possible to purchase satellite images that provide thermal shots – which will allow the buyer to reach conclusions regarding the materials or type of activity taking place at the site.
All that is left for us to do is internalize the fact that we are transparent and take it into consideration when we undertake any kind of military activity. Just like we got used to the fact that cellular phones are one of the major means for leaking information, we must get used to the notion that the most secret facilities are no longer that secret – and conduct ourselves accordingly.
What can be done in the face of all this transparency? This is the (complex) challenge faced by the experts dealing with the fields of concealment and deception.
Published by
Alex Braun
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