22 de enero de 2007
21 de enero de 2007
Hadorbanim - Shuv Hadisco Kan
Hadorbanim - Shuv Hadisco Kan
Published by Alex Braun en 21:45 0 comentarios
19 de enero de 2007
Exploring Life Extension
A film by the Immortality Institute that explores various aspects of extreme life extension including cryonics (cryogenics), caloric restriction, transhumanism, and other scientific pursuits of extreme life extension. Related websites: http://www.Mprize.org http://www.ImmInst.org http://www.gen.cam.ac.uk/sens/AdGbio.htm Related topics include: Cryonics (cryogenics), anti-aging, caloric restriction, transhumanism, nanotechnology, technology, nanobots, immortality, Methuselah Mouse Prize, scientific conquest of death, longevity, fitness, health, population control, birth rate, death rate, rejuvination therapies, aging reversal, Aubrey de Grey, live forever, cancer research, technology, nanobots, research, gene therapies, disease, transplants, physics, chemistry, computers, computing, bioscience, nutrition, exercise, philosophy, sociology, politics, history, elixir, drugs, singularity, Ray Kurzweil, matrix, supplements, suspended animation, cryo sleep, scientific debate, MIT, Technology Review, Cambridge conference sponsored by Larry Ellison, overpopulation, 1000 year lifespan, thousand year lifespan, infant mortality, science breakthroughs, futurist, future, war on aging, medical, youthful, retirement, computer engineer, genetics, research, SENS. |
Published by Alex Braun en 20:24 0 comentarios
Zeca Baleiro (Brasil Music)
Zeca Baleiro - Quase nada (DVD)
Zeca Baleiro & Fagner - Dezembros
Zeca Baleiro & Fagner - Azuleijo
Zeca Baleiro - Proibida Pra Mim
Zeca Baleiro - Lenha
Vapor Barato - Gal Costa e Zeca Baleiro
Samba do Approach - Zeca Baleiro
Published by Alex Braun en 8:17 0 comentarios
Brasil Music other
Fernanda Abreu - Rio 40 graus
Palpite singing
Gabriel O Pensador e Detonautas- Sorria
2345 meia 78 Gabriel o Pensador
Gabriel O Pensador e Lulu Santos- Astronauta
Gabriel O Pensador-Fala Sério (cantando)
Gabriel O Pensador- Cachimbo da Paz altas horas 2003
Ivete Sangalo + Deusa do Amor + Protesto do Olodum (Ao Vivo)
Published by Alex Braun en 7:48 0 comentarios
Plane landing on the beach
Plane landing on the beach
crazy plane landing hehe
Published by Alex Braun en 0:58 0 comentarios
Innovative supermarket in China.
Innovative supermarket in China.
Published by Alex Braun en 0:36 0 comentarios
Vova & Olga's team act rehearsal
Tony vs. Paul
Cornelius - fit song
My Animated World
Published by Alex Braun en 0:06 0 comentarios
18 de enero de 2007
Draw head Flash
Do Try this at home
Published by Alex Braun en 21:55 0 comentarios
16 de enero de 2007
2 de enero de 2007
Rabbi Meir Kahane in debate with Prof. Alan Dershowitz: Judaism Vs. Democracy
Rabbi Meir Kahane in debate with Prof. Alan Dershowitz, two awesome debaters Judaism Vs. Democracy ? |
Published by Alex Braun en 23:55 0 comentarios
Raid on the Reactor
The story of the IAF's attack on the Iraqi Nuclear reactor near Baghdad in June 1981 |
Published by Alex Braun en 20:17 0 comentarios
Ken Robinson
Inspiring talk from Bono on activism for Africa
Published by Alex Braun en 12:22 0 comentarios
1 de enero de 2007
health links
Health links:
Health Clock http://healthclock.healthology.com/main/general.aspx
Death Clock http://deathclock.com/
Super Foods http://www.webmd.com/content/article/81/96952.htm
Usana Español http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXhlVhhAIOQ
Published by Alex Braun en 23:36 0 comentarios
LetterScapes: Letter Scapes means something like every letter has its own rithm and codec. Alec Alec Codec
Play a game of pool: http://www.freaknfunnyvideos.com/zflash/pool.swf
Published by Alex Braun en 22:15 0 comentarios
The Ghost in Your Genes
I was very impressed by this movie, I think that it constructs the case for the multiple dimensions we live in.
Published by Alex Braun en 17:55 0 comentarios