31 de octubre de 2007
Published by
Alex Braun
29 de octubre de 2007
Coming in for landing then gets waved off...watch how close he almost touched the ground with right wing...((WOW)) |
Published by
Alex Braun
28 de octubre de 2007
Peace Begins Within Me
Meditation For Letting Go
Of Anger
Peace Begins Within Me
Published by
Alex Braun
Israel need to defend itself
Many people are inlove with the notion of fighting for the "underdog" The Palestinians and the 70 wolves surrounding Israel have reconciled from the beging with a machiavelian view to win against Israel. That is the source of the continuation of the problems there.
Protestors block a highway in Palestine Oct 25/07 Marked as: Featured
An anti-apartheid protest blocked busy Highway 443, one of many highways that run on Palestinian land but are reserved for Israelis only. Israeli Security forces used force to move the demonstrators. Three of the protesters were arrested and released with conditions limiting their movement.
Published by
Alex Braun
The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, by Bill Moyers
Published by
Alex Braun
european union uk
Published by
Alex Braun
25 de octubre de 2007
23 de octubre de 2007
Full CBS Interview with Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Published by
Alex Braun
22 de octubre de 2007
Ahmadinejad’s Aggressive Nuclear Policy Prevails in Tehran
Ahmadinejad’s Aggressive Nuclear Policy Prevails in Tehran
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report and Analysis
October 20, 2007, 2:37 PM (GMT+02:00)
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has laid down the gauntlet.
Having prevailed over the more pragmatic elements of the Islamic Republican regime headed by supreme ruler Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, he and his Revolutionary Guards are challenging the United States to do its worst.
Saturday, Oct. 20, the fire-eating president succeeded in removing the formidable Iranian nuclear negotiator, head of the National Security Council, Ali Larijani, from his path. He then sent the Revolutionary Guards missile and artillery commander, Gen. Mahmoud Chaharbaghshe, to warn that, in the first minute of an attack on Iran, the Islamic Republic would fire 11,000 missiles and mortars against enemy (US and Israeli) bases. The scale of ordnance threatened implied Tehran’s certainty that Syria, Hizballah, Hamas and the pro-Iranian militias in Iraq would join the assault.
DEBKAfile’s Iran sources report that the president’s venture into brinkmanship points to his confidence that neither the US not Israel can or will dare to strike at Iran’s clandestine nuclear facilities. Khamenei has shown no sign as yet of reining him in.
The Russian president Vladimir Putin’s visit last week to Tehran was a disappointment to the clerical rulers. Contracts for the Russians to complete the Bushehr atomic reactor and supply the fuel for its activation were not signed during that visit, although they had been drawn up previously between Larijani and the head of the Russian Nuclear Energy Commission Sergei Kiriyenko in Moscow.
At the last minute, Ahmadinejad, backed up by the IRGC chiefs, put his foot down against Putin’s pre-condition which was incorporated in the contract for a joint Russian-Iranian mechanism to oversee the reactor and guarantee its non-use for weapons production.
Putin made a last attempt to talk Tehran round in a long conversation with the supreme ruler Wednesday, Oct. 17, before he flew out of Tehran.
Initially, there were reports that the Russian president had presented new proposals for solving the crisis, which Khamenei promised to seriously examine. The Iranian News Agency IRNA then quoted Khamenei as saying noncommittally: “We will ponder your words and proposal.”
However, on Friday, Oct. 19, Ahmadinejad made remarks which contradicted statements by the supreme ruler and Larijani. He denied that Putin had brought any new proposals to Tehran on the Bushehr nuclear reactor. This denial had the effect of presenting Larijani as a failure. His efforts to achieve a new set of Iranian-Russian nuclear contracts and a breakthrough for Tehran that would have kept Moscow in the international camp opposed to tougher UN Security Council sanctions were shown up as useless.
The Iranian president had manipulated the episode in such a way as to leave the nuclear negotiator no option but to quit.
In contrast to the ultra-radicals, Larijani is described by DEBKAfile’s Iranian sources as a practical diplomat who believed in a compromise that would let Iran continue its uranium enrichment process and develop its nuclear program, up to the point of weapons capability, without taking the final step of actually making a bomb.
His humiliation marks the further rise in Ahmadinejad’s influence and his unimpeded drive to go all the way to a military showdown with the United States and Israel over Iran’s nuclear ambitions. In private conversations in Tehran, the president argues that neither is in a position to go to war against the Islamic Republic.
Our military sources stress that the Iranian nuclear program no longer relies exclusively on uranium enrichment to attain a weapon, but has also turned to plutonium as an alternative path to a weapons capacity. The Bushehr reactor is a matter or national pride in Iran, but whether or not it is activating does not affect its military nuclear plans one way or another.
The production of plutonium for weapons is relatively simple and cheap, a fact that was exposed by Israel’s air strike in northern Syria on Sept. 6.
If even Syria can build a small nuclear reactor for plutonium production with North Korean help, there is no reason to assume that Iran has not built an active reactor of this kind and is hiding it underground.
While much has been made of North Korea’s input for Syrian’s nuclear activities, little has been said about Iran’s assistance, which DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources estimate as far more substantial. In other words, North Korea is not the only nuclear proliferators; Iran is consistently violating its commitments under the Non-Proliferation Accord by passing its military nuclear secrets to Syria.
Published by
Alex Braun
Cheney: “We will not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon"
October 22, 2007, 1:15 PM (GMT+02:00)
The US vice president said Sunday, Oct. 21, in an address to the Washington Institute for Near East Studies: "Our country, and the entire international community, cannot stand by as a terror-supporting state fulfills its grandest ambitions.''
If the Iranian regime continues to practice delay and deceit to buy time, the US and other nations are prepared to take action, Cheney said - without spelling out whether he was referring to military or other action.
Friday, the incoming Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Michael Mullen said US forces are capable of operations against Iran’s nuclear facilities or other targets. At his first conference, he said: “From a military standpoint, there is more than enough reserve to respond if that, in fact, is what the national leadership wanted to do,” he said. “And so I don’t think we’re stretched in that regard.”
Published by
Alex Braun
Google Gears es considerada una amenaza al imperio Microsoft
Usa Google aun sin Internet
viernes, junio 01, 2007
Google Gears es considerada una amenaza al imperio Microsoft, que se basa en ventas de software instalado en computadoras personales.
Google lanzó una tecnología que permite a los internautas utilizar sus programas gratuitos, hasta ahora sólo accesibles en línea, como el correo electrónico o la agenda interactiva sin conexión a Internet, informó.
Esta herramienta bautizada como Google Gears y presentada en Sydney, es una amenaza al imperio Microsoft, que se basa en venta de software instalado en computadoras personales.
"Con Google Gears eliminamos una de las mayores limitaciones del browser a fin de crear una plataforma más fuerte para desplegar toda clase de aplicaciones", dijo su director ejecutivo, Eric Schmidt en un comunicado.
Google lanzó en los últimos meses una serie de programas en línea gratuitos y financiados por publicidad que no necesitan ser instalados en un equipo, y permiten acceder a datos y documentos desde cualquier computadora conectada a Internet.
El paquete comprende el servicio de correo electrónico (Google Mail), edición de texto (Docs & Spreadsheets), mensajería instantánea (Google Talk), creación de blogs (Blogger), agenda (Calendar), tratamiento de fotos (Picasa) y creación de páginas web (Page Creator).
La nueva extensión descarga suficientes datos para permitir a los usuarios que continúen usando los programas incluso cuando estén desconectados.
Google Gears es una aplicación abierta, lo que significa que los programadores son libres de adaptarlos a su gusto. En ese sentido la firma afirmó que está dispuesta a trabajar con otras empresas para desarrollar los estándares de su funcionalidad fuera de Internet.
Published by
Alex Braun
No se cuantos de ustedes compran en SAM's
No se cuantos de ustedes compran en SAM's
pero esta información les puede ser útil.
Les mando esta información para avisarles, ya que fui victima de una estafa mientras hacia mis compras.
Fue en el SAM's de Miguel Alemán, pero pudo ser en cualquier otro almacén.
Así es como funciona: Dos niñas espectaculares se le acercan mientras usted esta guardando sus compras en la cajuela de su carro. Limpian el parabrisas con esponja y producto limpiador.
Sus senos prácticamente salen de sus camisetas así que es casi imposible no prestarles atención.
Usted les ofrece una propina pero la rechazan y le piden que más bien las lleve a otra tienda de la ciudad.
Usted acepta y se suben en el asiento de atrás. Durante el camino empiezan a hacer el amor.
Luego una se pasa al asiento del pasajero y le practica sexo oral mientras la otra le roba la billetera.
Este alerta!! Podría sucederle a usted también.
A mi me robaron el viernes pasado, también el sábado......... 2 veces el domingo, otra el lunes, otra vez el martes , el miércoles, ayer, y mañana voy a ir a ver si están...
Published by
Alex Braun
18 de octubre de 2007
17 de octubre de 2007
16 de octubre de 2007
President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran in Tehran today.
Published by
Alex Braun
15 de octubre de 2007
2012: Matrix Singularity Seminar Part 1--Accelerating Change
Published by
Alex Braun
14 de octubre de 2007
2007胡錦濤檢閲香港三軍 President Hu reviews PLA garrison troops in HK
Published by
Alex Braun
13 de octubre de 2007
11 de octubre de 2007
UK Green Lights Iran Strike
Brown gives backing to Bush for tactical strikes as "counter-terrorism"
Steve Watson
Monday, Oct 8, 2007
Reports in the British press this weekend have suggested that Gordon Brown's government has promised to back U.S. led strikes on Iranian military bases but not on the country's nuclear facilities.
A report in the London Telegraph citing senior Pentagon officials indicates that Britain will support an attack if the Islamic republic orchestrates large-scale attacks by militants against British or American forces in Iraq:
After talks with President George W Bush in July, Mr Brown left US officials with the belief that Britain was "on board" for a military response — but only if Iran was proved to be behind a big militant attack or another stunt similar to the kidnapping in March of British sailors.
The US wants Britain's Special Air Service Regiment to take part in special forces raids inside Iran and has requested help from the Royal Navy to combat Iranian retaliation in the Gulf.
A follow up report in the Telegraph today suggests that the Neocon Whitehouse has abandoned plans to take out Iran's nuclear capabilities and will instead use "terrorism" as the justification to bomb the country.
(Article continues below)
"What's on the table right now is tactical strikes," Vincent Cannistraro, intelligence chief on Ronald Reagan's National Security Council and erstwhile head of operations for the CIA's counter-terrorist center, told the Telegraph's Tim Shipman.
"The British Government is in accord with plans to launch limited strikes on facilities inside Iran, on the basis of counter-terrorism." While the US Air Force and naval jets could carry out raids without help from the RAF, the Pentagon is keen to have the Royal Navy's cooperation in the event of an attack, to prevent Iran from sowing mines in the Gulf to block oil exports in retaliation," he added.
According to the reports a Downing Street spokesman said: "While we won't comment on the specifics of conversations between the Prime Minister and the President of the United States, this is not a version of events we recognise."
However, the reports dovetail with recent analysis by the veteran journalist Seymour Hersh, who revealed that his sources told him U.S. commanders had been drawing up plans to target Iran's nuclear facilities but were told this summer to focus instead on the Revolutionary guards, who have been blamed for attacks on U.S. and British forces in Iraq.
The recent decision by Congress to classify the Iranian guard as a "terrorist organization" also clears the way for a British backed counter-terrorist strike.
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Zbigniew Brzezinski, founder of the elite Trilateral Commission and the national security adviser to former President Carter, plainly laid out the theatre that is planned to unfold in coming months when he said last week that the Bush plan was to depict any air strike on Iran as "responding to what is an intolerable situation. This time, unlike the attack in Iraq, we're going to play the victim."
Brzezinski, along with other elite figures such as Gary Hart of the Council on foreign relations, have also implied that a false flag terrorist event, either within the U.S. or Iraq could be used as justification to launch immediate strikes on Iran.
Clearly the Neocons realise that the public is not going to accept a fresh confrontation with Iran based on a different set of circumstances and so has shifted its rhetoric from the nuclear issue back to the so called "war on terror" and is attempting to tie Iran in with the insurgency in Iraq despite any convincing intelligence.
The fact that the justification for any attack on Iran keeps changing, just as it did with Iraq before and after the 2003 invasion, clearly indicates that the only thing that matters to the Neocon globalists running the Whitehouse is that they get their conflict escalation and are able to march on unimpeded and conquer another financially independent and sovereign state in the middle east.
Published by
Alex Braun
Crop Circles and Occultic, Masonic & Illuminati Symbols
Published by
Alex Braun
10 de octubre de 2007
9 de octubre de 2007
Magic 'Fish Spa' Attracts More
A newly emerged "fish spa" is becoming fashionable in many hot spring resorts, and has attracted even more customers, all curious about this peculiar treatment.
At such a spa, many Garra Rufa, a type of small tropical fish, also nicknamed Chinchin Yu, nibble fish or simply doctor fish, are put in hot springs. As they can live and swim freely in at least 43-degree-hot waters, they are naturally used for the treatment of skin diseases in such spas.
A girl soaks in the hot spring enjoying the "fish spa" in Huizhou, south China's Guangdong Province.
When placed in the spa, these fish can feed themselves on the dead cells of the human body, since they only consume such cells, leaving the healthy skin of the human body to grow. The whole process is reportedly free of pain. It won't hurt and the bather might feel a pleasant tingling on his or her skin.
The fish species are often found in the river basins in the Middle East, including Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey, and thus is also called Turkish Fish. It is legally protected from commercial exploitation in Turkey due to concerns over harvesting for export.
In 2006, the first Asian Doctor Fish spa resort opened in Hakone, Japan. These fish are used to clean the feet of the bathers at the spa. Recently, such spas become fashionable in resorts in China and South Korea.
Published by
Alex Braun
The US plans new military presence in Lebanon including big air installation close by Syrian border
The air base, according to DEBKAfile’s military sources, will be located at Kleiat in northern Lebanon roughly 75 air miles from Damascus, which these days doubles as a shared Syrian-Iranian military hub and Tehran’s eastern Mediterranean forward base. The American air installation will also lie 22 air miles from Tartous, Syria’s main naval base and the Russian Mediterranean fleet’s command center. And the aircraft posted there will be minutes away from the joint Syrian-Iranian arms and missiles industries at Homs and Hamma.
DEBKAfile’s source report the Bush administration’s drastic change of policy on Lebanon was settled in consultations at the Pentagon and National Security Council after the talks the chief of the US Central Command Adm. William Fallon held with Lebanese government heads on July 29.
This new direction was confirmed after the Israeli air raid over Syria of Sept. 6.
It brings the American military back to Lebanon after a 25-year absence. In 1983, President Ronald Reagan pulled US troops out of the country after Syrian military intelligence orchestrated terrorist bombing attacks on the US embassy and Marines headquarters in Beirut, which left more than 300 soldiers, diplomats and CIA agents dead.
The first stage of construction will reactivate the small defunct air base at Kleiat as a joint US-Lebanese venture. Prime minister Fouad Siniora will explain that the four months of bloody fighting to crush the Fatah al-Islam revolt in the northern Nahar al-Bared camp demonstrated how badly the Lebanese army needs an operational air base in the region. US Air Force engineers and technicians have begun work on the new air field. At a later stage, it will be expanded for American military use.
Published by
Alex Braun
The secret's out We must get used to new reality where Google Earth uncovers our top secrets
We must get used to new reality where Google Earth uncovers our top secrets
Alex Fishman
Before anything else, this satellite image website must shake our consciousness. We must understand that terms such as "ambiguity" and "state secrets" are being gradually eroded as a result of technological leaps.
This is simply a strip show. We feel as if we're wearing something, but in fact we're wearing nothing. Nothing to cover it up. We're transparent.
The State of Israel and its sensitive facilities lost another layer this week that previously served to cover them. If up until now, we only exposed ourselves to the satellites of superpowers, then now, as a result of the upgraded quality of Google Earth's satellite images, Israel's most secretive sites are apparently exposed not only to any intelligence agency, but to any Internet user.
Even if we're talking about images that are out-of-date, from a year or two ago, and with picture resolutions that are not the highest possible, what we have here is a pool of information that any intelligence body would be willing to invest plenty of money and effort to get a hold of.
From now on, when a member of the global Jihad network will be sent to gather intelligence information about a sensitive site in Israel, his masters would be able to provide him with exact coordinates to be entered into Google Earth's search window on his laptop – and that's it. The program will assist him in preparing the operation: It will show him the target from up close and enable him to identify a nearby building where he can observe the target, as well as escape routes.
Until now, guiding a terrorist or agent with such level of accuracy required a complex intelligence gathering effort. Today, this information is openly available and accessible to all. Just grab some satellite images and go on a tour of Israel's secret facilities.
The identification of sensitive strategic and security sites in Israel is a major objective for countries such as Iran and Syria. The intelligence gathering ability of Arab states in Israel is rather limited, particularly in all matters pertaining to the gathering of military intelligence via cutting-edge technologies. Until now, these countries were forced to rely on superpowers and commercial companies, which usually sold low-resolution images.
This, by the way, demonstrates the kind of advantage acquired by Israel vis-à-vis the enemy after we were able to develop an independent capability to launch spy satellites.
Pure gold for terrorists
However, now that we have this strip show, Arab states find it easier to point to the location they are interested in. When this website is used by an expert, who knows exactly what he's looking for at the sensitive site, the quality provided by the site may be enough to confirm or reject the existence of one site or another or of certain capabilities attributed to Israel.
If Google Earth is able to provide an image of a sensitive bunker or a missile battery, it in fact provides coordinates that can be used to accurately aim ballistic missiles to target.
If this program is an asset for enemy countries, it is no less than pure gold for terrorists. Until now, Islamic Jihad used the program in order to improve its Qassam fire on civilian targets. Today, with the program also identifying military targets, why should Islamic Jihad ignore them?
This transparency, which will only grow, creates a major problem for the entire world. In the '60s and '70s, when the US felt threatened by Soviet spy satellites, it invested $15 billion in hiding its ballistic missile arsenal underground. This is not the solution Israel needs, or can, adopt. Moreover, it is reasonable to assume that in the near future it would be possible to purchase satellite images that provide thermal shots – which will allow the buyer to reach conclusions regarding the materials or type of activity taking place at the site.
All that is left for us to do is internalize the fact that we are transparent and take it into consideration when we undertake any kind of military activity. Just like we got used to the fact that cellular phones are one of the major means for leaking information, we must get used to the notion that the most secret facilities are no longer that secret – and conduct ourselves accordingly.
What can be done in the face of all this transparency? This is the (complex) challenge faced by the experts dealing with the fields of concealment and deception.
Published by
Alex Braun
8 de octubre de 2007
updated --3-27-2007
The date December 21st, 2012 A.D. ( in the Long Count), represents an extremely close conjunction of the
Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator (Equator of the Milky Way) and the Ecliptic
(path of the Sun), what that ancient Maya recognized as the Sacred Tree. This is an event that has been coming to
resonance very slowly over thousands and thousands of years. It will come to resolution at exactly 11:11 am GMT.
The Tzolkin is a 260-day calendar based around the period of human gestation. It is composed of 20 day-signs, each of which has 13 variations, and was (and still is) used to determine character traits and time harmonics, in a similar way to Western astrology. The Maya also used a 365-day calendar called the Haab, and a Venus calendar, plus others. They measured long time periods by means of a Long Count, in which one 360-day year (a "Tun"), consists of 18 x 20-day "months" ("Uinals"). Twenty of these Tuns is a Katun; 20 Katuns is a Baktun (nearly 400 years); and 13 Baktuns adds up to a "Great Cycle" of 1,872,000 days, ( 5200 Tuns, or about 5125 years).
Mayan scholars have been attempting to correlate the Long Count with our Western Gregorian calendar, since the beginning of this century. There has been massive variation in the suggested correlations, but as early as 1905, Goodman suggested a correlation only 3 days from the most popular one today. Known as the GMT correlation, or "correlation # 584283", this was finalized in 1950, and puts the start of the Great Cycle ( day on 11th August 3114 BC, and the end-date (known as as 21st December 2012.
Jose Arguelles has pointed out that the Tzolkin is a harmonic of the Great Cycle, and can be used to map history, as if it is measuring not individual gestation but species gestation, since 5 Great Cycles add to exactly 26,000 Tuns; the "Grand Year" or precession of the equinoxes - a higher harmonic of 260.
See: Mayan Database
Sunspot Cycles; Adrian Gilbert and Maurice Cotterell, in their book the Mayan Prophecies, say that the end of the Great Cycle is the culmination of a series of long-term sunspot cycles which will flip the sun’s magnetic field, causing earthquakes and flooding on earth. Moreover, the changing magnetic field will alter the endocrine production of the pineal gland. John Major Jenkins has pointed out that the detailed graphs of the cycles do not actually show significant termination points at the end of the Great Cycle; click here for Jenkins' full unabridged review of The Mayan Prophecies.
According to John Major Jenkins, it will take 36 years to precess through the Galactic equator. The Galactic Alignment "zone" is
1998 +/- 18 years = 1980 to 2016. This is "era 2012"
[So why are we worried?]
Generally speaking, scientifically accepted records of sunspot activity do seem to be heading for a climax in the near future.
From: http://www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/
Note: Real science is predicting the next/current sun cycle to be the worst in 50 years. The first two sunspot's of 2006 are moving in reverse direction.
August 15, 2006: On July 31st, a tiny sunspot was born. It popped up from the sun's interior, floated around a bit, and vanished again in a few hours. On the sun this sort of thing happens all the time and, ordinarily, it wouldn't be worth mentioning. But this sunspot was special: It was backward.
"We've been waiting for this," says David Hathaway, a solar physicist at the Marshall Space Flight in Huntsville, Alabama. "A backward sunspot is a sign that the next solar cycle is beginning."
Right: The tiny, backward sunspot of July 31, 2006. Credit: SOHO. [Larger image]
"Backward" means magnetically backward. Hathaway explains:
Sunspots are planet-sized magnets created by the sun's inner magnetic dynamo. Like all magnets in the Universe, sunspots have north (N) and south (S) magnetic poles. The sunspot of July 31st popped up at solar longitude 65o W, latitude 13o S. Sunspots in that area are normally oriented N-S. The newcomer, however, was S-N, opposite the norm.
This tiny spot of backwardness matters because of what it might foretell: A really big solar cycle.
Solar activity rises and falls in 11-year cycles, swinging back and forth between times of quiet and storminess. Right now the sun is quiet. "We're near the end of Solar Cycle 23, which peaked way back in 2001," explains Hathaway. The next cycle, Solar Cycle 24, should begin "any time now," returning the sun to a stormy state.
Satellite operators and NASA mission planners are bracing for this next solar cycle because it is expected to be exceptionally stormy, perhaps the stormiest in decades. Sunspots and solar flares will return in abundance, producing bright auroras on Earth and dangerous proton storms in space: full story.
Solar Cycles: Past and FutureBut when will Solar Cycle 24 begin?
"Maybe it already did--on July 31st," says Hathaway. The first spot of a new solar cycle is always backwards. Solar physicists have long known that sunspot magnetic fields reverse polarity from cycle to cycle. N-S becomes S-N and vice versa. "The backward sunspot may be the first sunspot of Cycle 24."
It sounds exciting, but Hathaway is cautious on several fronts:
First, the sunspot lasted only three hours. Typically, sunspots last days, weeks or even months. Three hours is fleeting in the extreme. "It came and went so fast, it was not given an official sunspot number," says Hathaway. The astronomers who number sunspots didn't think it worthy!
Second, the latitude of the spot is suspicious. New-cycle sunspots almost always pop up at mid-latitudes, around 30o N or 30o S. The backward sunspot popped up at 13o S. "That's strange."
These odd-isms stop Hathaway short of declaring the onset of a new solar cycle. "But it looks promising," he says.
Even if Cycle 24 has truly begun, "don't expect any great storms right away." Solar cycles last 11 years and take time to build up to fever pitch. For a while, perhaps one or two years, Cycle 23 and Cycle 24 will actually share the sun, making it a hodgepodge of backward and forward spots. Eventually, Cycle 24 will take over completely; then the fireworks will really begin.
Meanwhile, Hathaway plans to keep an eye out for more backward sunspots.
The place where the December solstice sun crosses the Milky Way is precisely the location of the
"dark-rift in the Milky Way ...'xibalba be' - the road to the underworld."
On the winter solstice of 2012, the noonday Sun exactly conjuncts the crossing point of the sun's ecliptic
with the galactic plane, while also closely conjuncting the exact the center of the galaxy.
The sky on December 21st, 2012 A.D.
showing a rare astronomical alignment -
the winter solstice sun is right in the
"dark rift" in the Milky Way.
The Milky Way Galaxy is the inspiration for the symbol of the Ouroboros. Myth refers to a serpent of light residing in the heavens. The Milky Way is this serpent, and viewed at galactic central point near sagittarius, this serpent eats its own tail.
The Milky Way galaxy keeps a great time cycle that ends in catastrophic change. The sign of the SUNTELIA AION is the sun rising out of the mouth of the ouroboros, which will occur on the solstice December 2012.
The Greeks called the End of the Age the SUNTELIA AION
Ancient historians and especially Plato referred to a cycle of catastrophe at the End of the Age.
The AION was symbolized by the Ouroboros.
See: http://www.mt.net/~watcher/
Jun 17, 2001 (11 Men (Eagle) / 13 Sotz' (Bat) - - Hill Barn, near Badbury, Wiltshire - Ouroboros encapsulating planetoid
On June 17, 2001, this Ouroboros cropcircle appeared with a soccer ball pattern inside which is said to be the shape of the Universe.
Stela 11 from Izapa shows Cosmic Father
in the "mouth" of Cosmic Mother, the
"dark rift" or "birth canal" in the
Milky Way. This is an image of
the celestial alignment which
culminates in A.D. 2012.
We are from another galaxy in the process of joining with the Milky Way. The Milky Way is actually not our parent galaxy. The mystery of why the Milky Way has always been sideways in the night sky has never been answered -- until now.
Dave Romer - Voyager and Galactic Plane on 07 Jul 2003 - DivX 6-5-1.avi. This movie shows the locations of Voyager 1 and Voyage 2 spacecraft circa 2003 -- above and below the galactic plane respectively.
"This first full-sky map of Sagittarius shows its extensive interaction with the Milky Way," Majewski said. "Both stars and star clusters now in the outer parts of the Milky Way have been 'stolen' from Sagittarius as the gravitational forces of the Milky Way nibbled away at its dwarf companion. This one vivid example shows that the Milky Way grows by eating its smaller neighbors."
The study's map of M giants depicts 2 billion years of Sagittarius stripping by the Milky Way, and suggests that Sagittarius has reached a critical phase in what had been a slow dance of death.
"After slow, continuous gnawing by the Milky Way, Sagittarius has been whittled down to the point that it cannot hold itself together much longer," said 2MASS Science Team member and study co-author Martin Weinberg of the University of Massachusetts. "We are seeing Sagittarius at the very end of its life as an intact system."
Does this mean we are at a unique moment in the life of our galaxy? Yes and no.
"Whenever possible, astronomers appeal to the principle that we are not at a special time or place in the universe," Majewski said. "Because over the 14 billion-year history of the Milky Way it is unlikely that we would just happen to catch a brief event like the death of Sagittarius, we infer that such events must be common in the life of big spiral galaxies like our own. The Milky Way probably dined on a number of dwarf galaxy snacks in the past."
On the other hand, Majewski and his colleagues have been surprised by the Earth's proximity to a portion of the Sagittarius debris.
"For only a few percent of its 240 million-year orbit around the Milky Way galaxy does our Solar System pass through the path of Sagittarius debris," Majewski said. "Remarkably, stars from Sagittarius are now raining down onto our present position in the Milky Way. Stars from an alien galaxy are relatively near us. We have to re-think our assumptions about the Milky Way galaxy to account for this contamination."
The new findings will help astronomers measure the total mass of the Milky Way and Sagittarius galaxies, and probe the quantity and distribution of the invisible dark matter in these systems.
MORE: http://www.viewzone.com/milkyway.html
The astrological chart for 21 Dec 12:12 Central European Time
We believe the time is 21 Dec 11:11
based on the U.S. Naval Observatory at http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/EarthSeasons.html
Major Jenkins believes the time to be 21 Dec 11:13.
In his book Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, he shows an observatory at:
On page 35, he states, "The early Zapotec capital of Monte Alban is located on a mountaintop outside of present day Ozxaca. Most structures at Monte Alban are oriented 4 degrees to 8 degrees east of north. Structure 1, a strange arrow-shaped building is different. Archaeoastronomers Anthony Aveni and David Linsley determined that this building loosely points to the setting positions of the five bright stars of the Southern Cross. This alignment occurred in the precessional era of 250 B.C. when these structures were built. Overall, the loose 3 degree range of the alignment is not very impressive. However, Aveni noted another alignment that yields more interesting results. The perpendicular to Structure J's baseline shoots through what was an opening or doorway in Structure P points northeast to where the bright star Capella was seen to rise in the processional era of 275 B.C. During this time Capella made its first reappearance in the predawn sky (its heliacal rise) on May 8, which is the first solar zenith passage date at the latitude of Monte Alban. Solar zenith passages (when the sun passes through the zenith at high noon) were important indicators of the zenith center and told the Mesoamerican farmer when the rainy season was about to commence. Solar zenith passages occur only within the Tropics, that is between latitudes 23.5 degrees S and 23.5 degrees N. Amazingly platform Structure B through which the Capella observations were sighted, houses Monte Alban's famous zenith tube. This vertical tube leads into an underground chamber where zenith passage measurements of the sun and stars could be made. Zenith tubes have been found at other sites, such as Xochicalco in Central Mexico.
They probably understood that the zenith center was located in 'time' as well as in space, because solar zenith passages occur only twice every year. The solar year (the haab), the tzolkin and intervals between zenith passages all contributed to the ancient Mesoamerican's developing calendric cosmology. It was the synchronization in time of key points in these different cycles that would define the center of time and space. However, it might be better to say that key alignments in large time cycles open the doorway to the center of spacetime, rather than define that center.
Teotihuacan, the great Toltec metropolis where the Fifth sun was born, also contains evidence of having been constructed according to an astronomical plan. Several scholars have argued that an alignment with the Pleiades was responsible for the founding orientation of Teotihuacan. The axis perpendicular to the famous Street of the dead pointed to the setting position of the Pleiades. The two "pecked crosses" that scholars believe were used to lay out the city lie along this axis. The pecked cross in the group of structures called the Viking Group is just east of the Street of the Dead, and the Cerro Colorado pecked cross is some distance to the west.
John Major Jenkins tells us this in his introduction:
"The eclipse is the path traveled by the sun, moon, and planets through the sky. Twelve constellations lie along the ecliptic, and the sun passes through all twelve during the course of one year. The ecliptic cross over the Milky Way at a 60 degree angle near the constellation Sagittarius. As such, it forms a cross with the Milky Way, and this cosmic cross was called the Sacred Tree by the ancient Maya. (The cross form was also known as the "crossroads." Amazingly, the center of this cosmic cross, that is right where the ecliptic crosses over the Milky Way is exactly where the December solstice sun will be in A.D. 2012. This alignment occurs only once every 25,800 years.
"The Milky Way is observed as a bright, wide band of stars arching through the sky. In the clear skies of ancient Mesoamerica, many dark, blotchy areas could be observed along the Milky Way's length. These are "dark cloud" formations caused by interstellar dust. The most prominent of these is called the "dark-rift" or the "Great Cleft" of the Milky Way. It looks like a dark road running along the Milky Way, and it points right at the cosmic crossing point, the center of the Maya Sacred Tree, right where the sun will be in 2012! The Maya called this dark-rift the Black Road, or the Road to the Underworld. They seem to have imagined it as a portal to another world, and the December solstice sun can enter it only in A.D. 2012.
"The area of the sky where all of these symbols and celestial objects converge is the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. This was perhaps the most astounding thing I discovered. The par of the Milky Way that the December solstice sun will conjunct is also where the center of our Galaxy (the Galactic Center) is located. It is the cosmic womb from which new stars are born, and from which everything in our Galaxy, including humans, came.
In the cosmos - 1 minute time is not going to make that big a difference
considering the vast amount of space between our sun and the center of the Milky Way
as seen from Earth. The original calendar was based on Mayan information at a
specific temple as yet unidentified as exact position.
click here for larger view
FROM: http://users.telenet.be/nmenneke/eclips/engels/eclips12_en.html
The public has many misconceptions about earthquakes – whether it’s the inevitability of California falling into the ocean or the wisdom of standing in a doorway during heavy shaking -- and about science’s ability to predict them. As the April 18 centennial of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake approaches, CGS hopes to debunk some common quake myths and help the public become better informed about the potential hazard.
While there are reports of predictions that have accurately stated the time, location and magnitude of an earthquake, frequently such reports aren’t examined in a scientifically rigorous fashion. Wills believe that the human tendency to seek out patterns to make sense of things – as well as selective memory – are behind many claims of inside knowledge of what the Earth is up to.
During a recent total eclipse of the sun, residents of Turkey’s Tokat province camped out in tents, fearing an earthquake. Although the scientific community offered reassurance that there’s no connection between eclipses and quakes, residents remembered that in August 1999, 17,000 people in northwestern Turkey died when an earthquake struck six days after an eclipse.
FROM: http://www.consrv.ca.gov/index/news/2006%20News%20Releases/NR2006-08_Earthquake_Prediction_and_Myths.htm
by Roeland de Looff © roeland@astrologycourse.org
(used with permission)
According to many prophecies something important is about to happen in 2012.
In 2012 the centre of the Galaxy is at 0 degree of the Western zodiacal sign Capricorn. 0 degree Capricorn is the point of the zodiac where the Sun is during the December solstice.
At December 21, 11.12 GMT during the December solstice the Sun is at the exact centre of the Galaxy. According to the Mayas the center of the Galaxy is the cosmic womb: the place of dead, transformation, regeneration and rebirth. This moment shows the end of their calendar.
To know more about what this means it is interesting to make an astrological chart of the December solstice of 2012.
Below you see a chart for 21 December 12.12 Middle European Time (11.12 GMT), Amsterdam, Netherlands. The planetary pattern will be the same for all locations only the ascendant and house division will be different.
The Sun is at 0 degrees Capricorn, the point of the December solstice. It makes a sextile to Neptune, right at the beginning of Pisces. This is an almost exact sextile. The orb is less then half a degree. This aspect can point towards a spiritual experience, a loss or both.
The most important configuration is a yod which we find in the chart. This is also called the Finger of God. It looks like an arrow in the chart and it indicates change and transformations. .
The yod consists of:
1. A quincunx (150 degree aspect) between Jupiter and Pluto.
2. A quincunx between Jupiter and Saturn.
3. A central opposition (180 degree aspect) made between Jupiter and the Mercury/Venus conjunction.
The two quincunxes are almost exact, they have an orb of less then half a degree. In fact the quincunx between Jupiter and Pluto is exact at December 21 2012.
Pluto is the planet of radical transformation, death and rebirth.
Saturn is the planet of the earthly realm and of learning experiences, especially those of a more painful nature.
Jupiter is the planet of expansion. It is the focus of the yod, the planet which receives the strong energy of the other planets involved. It also expands the energy of the other planets involved (especially Saturn and Pluto).
This yod indicates transformational processes which can be painful for many.
Jupiter has a central place in this because it is the focal point of the energy. This indicates changes in our religious systems, beliefs, philosophical systems. These fall under Jupiter.
Another notable configuration is the T-square with Neptune as focal point:
* Jupiter makes a square (90 degree aspect) to Neptune.
* Neptune makes a square to Venus.
* Venus opposes Jupiter, this is the central opposition that activates the yod.
Therefore Neptune, the planet of spirituality, ascension, confusion and floods is a cruxial planet in this chart.
Is it possible to find out more details about the picture given above? Maybe we can use another astrological method to find out more about what the above chart indicates?
I have made a Chinese Four Pillar Chart. This type of chart contains of four pillars that are dependend upon the hour, day, month and year. Because the hourly pillar depends upon the location I have confined myself to the pillars of the day, month and year. These are the same for the entire world.
In the roots of the chart (the lower part of the pillars) we find a rat that is surrounded by two dragons. The dragons almost seems to be making plans to eat the rat.
The dragon represents the ouroboros, the mythological dragon or snake that bites its own tail. According to Mayan cosmology this ouroboros symbolises the Milky Way.
The dragon is an earthly sign, the rat is a water sign. Therefore this chart contains water and earth.
In the stems (the top of the chart) we find yang fire. This is the strong fire of the Sun or a natural fire.
In this chart water is the strongest element. It can be found in the rat and in the two Yang Waters.
A meteorite falling in the ocean would be one expression of this chart. Or a vulcan (fire and earth) exploding and causing a tsunami (water). It could also indicate floods. Water and Earth the strongest elements of this charts are enemies to one another. Since Water is more powerful in the chart, this may indicate largescale floods. Therefore of all the events possible large scale floods are the most likely.
This is confirmed by the Western chart in which Neptune plays a crucial role.
In my opinion what this chart indicates is that the polluted energy of the collective unconsciousness will turn against humanity. Whatever happens, it will be an expression of the energy that is radiated by a humanity that is unable to live in peace and to make the right choices (for peace, welfare, health and inner spirituality).
CHINESE FOUR PILLAR CHART DECEMBER 21 2012 (DAY PILLAR, MONTH PILLAR AND YEAR PILLAR ARE NOT DEPENDENT UPON THE LOCATION) (The hour pillar not included as it is different from place to place)
CONCLUSION: See: http://www.astrologycourse.org/2012.htm
2012: Controvery - the Creation Cycles
do not end December 21, 2012,
Over the decades much discussion has focused on finding the exact correlation
between the Mayan Long Count and the Gregorian calendar. Most researchers i
n the field have now come to agree that the so-called GMT correlation, placing
the beginning of the Long Count 4 Ahau 8 Cumku on the Julian day 584 283,
August 11, 3114 BC, is correct. This means by consequence that it will end on
December 21, 2012 and most, such as Jose Arguelles, John Jenkins and
Terence McKenna, who have taken an interest in the calendar of the Maya,
have endorsed this date as the end of the current cycle.
Arrival of Hindu's avatar of Krishna in 2003
Gaia 2012A Sweden-based site explaining Carl Johan Calleman's "Venus Passage"
discoveries due in 2012. However, Calleman has now decided that the Great Cycle
ends on 28th October 2011 - see the Mayaonics site.
The End of the Mayan Calendar After Dec. 21, 2012
Planetary Alignment Sept. 8, 2040
Will there be an Earth left to have earthquakes?
The End of the Muslim Calendar, 2076
The end of the Jewish Calendar, 2240
The 13 Month Calendar
End of the Long Count Calendar
11:11 clue indicating the year, hour, and minute of the end of the cycle
In the 28 years listed on the page from which the above table was taken, only the one 11:11 universal time is given. The end of the Mayan calendar falls on December 21, 2012. That is the famous "End Date" -
The How and Why of the Mayan End Date in 2012 A.D.
The number 26, The Mayan Tzolkin, and the Grid Crop Circle
Photo by Steve Alexander. etchilhampton97
In "SC" # 68, Michael Glickman interpreted the 1997 Etchilhampton "Grid" crop formation (above) as a pointer to 2012. The formation was a 30 x 26 checkerboard-like grid, giving a total of 780 squares. This, Michael theorized, could indicate the thirty 26-week periods between 1997 and 2012.
Geoff adds that the 780 squares of the grid are exactly divisible by the TZOLKIN, or Mayan Sacred Calendar, which is a grid of 260 squares with sides of 13 x 20. Three Tzolkins fit into the crop grid pattern. Two fit straight in and the third after bisection.
The grid seems related to a "map" called "Psi Bank Warp and Holonomic Woof" mentioned in a book called "Earth Ascending," by Jose Arguelles (page 121). The "map" consists of eight Tzolkins joined together showing relationships between the Mayan calendar, the "I Ching" and the 64 DNA codons. Arguelles researched the Mayan calendar, physics, philosophy, geomancy and the "I Ching," and concluded that mankind is creating a "noosphere," or mind layer, around the Earth, which is evolving towards the "Omega Point of Planetary Awakening" in 2012, according to Teillard de Chardin.
The reversal point is thought to be approaching in 2012. According to Geoff Stray, the sunspots and reversals of its magnetic field. The reversal point is thought to be approaching in 2012. According to Geoff, the sunspots are thought to have an effect on the endocrine glands of human beings, which relate to the chakras ...
Controversially appearing over two consecutive nights at Silbury Hill, Wiltshire on 2-3 August, according to resident 2012 prophecy expert and numerical conundrum whiz Geoff Stray, this vast wheel of ancient Maya symbols included “the double square spiral - the Maya symbol for jaguar snouts, which indicates an entrance to the underworld”. Given that, as is now widely known, the Maya calendar indicates an end-of-time point in the year 2012, this gave the UK newspapers something to get their teeth into, the Daily Mail dubiously proclaiming it ‘The Doomsday Crop Circle’. Much of the speculation about the 2012 connections made in the wake of this formation was highly questionable, but it made good headlines. Not that the press needed a genuine phenomenon to fill its columns; indeed the Sunday Express went out of its way to debunk the Mayan glyph, devoting two pages to doing this, perhaps in an effort to ‘get one over’ on its rival newspaper.
Among the many claims and counter-claims made about the symbolism of this formation, one widely-circulated e-mail article by C Lewis (pseudonym) from Australia stated the Mayan wheel depicted a ‘Calendar clock’, counting down to 2012.
Joe Mason explains the Aztec Sun Stone Calendar. The outer ring portion of the Stone is said to be twin serpents, one light and the other dark. I believe the two represent the twins, Quetzalcoatl and Xolotl. They relate to Venus, corresponding to The Morning Star and Evening Star. Quetzalcoatl, of course, is also known as Kukulkan (or Kukulcan) and the Feathered Serpent. Perhaps the depiction of two types of feathers in the center of the formation hint at the feathered twins of the Aztecs. They are positioned in a general Vesica Piscis arrangement, also suggestive of duality.
See: Mayan Prophecy of the End of the Great Cycle
Quetzalcoatl translates to plumed serpent. The word quetzalli eventually came to mean "treasure, or precious". The word coatl came to mean "dragon" as well as "snake" and occasionally "twin", hence it could mean "Precious Twin".
Joe Mason, contributed this excerpt from Moira Timms' book, "Beyond Prophecies and Predictions" (p. 256): " "The name Quetzalcoatl is derived from the quetzal bird of Guatemala and Mexico. The quetzal had golden-green and scarlet plumage, and was considered the most beautiful of all birds. "Quetzal" also means precious. "Coatl" is serpent. In the Maya language, "Kukulcan" means approximately the same thing. According to Hunbatz Men, "Ku" is sacred, God. "Kul" is coccyx, the base of the spine, where latent spiritual energy resides. "Can" means serpent. "Kukulcan" therefore is synonymous with "kundalini" - which is what the Kukulcan/Quetzalcoatl archetype is all about, of course. To be iconographically correct, however, the god Quetzalcoatl is not himself the feathered serpent, but the one who emerges from the serpent, just as the spirit emerges from the body through the top of the head, and the Morning Star emerges from the horizon."
69 Venus was an important astrological symbol for the Mexica and was called "Tlauixcalpantecuhtli", which means - Lord of the House of Dawn. The planet had two aspects and was shown and revered as two gods. One, as Morning Star, was kind, and was the Precious Twin, Quetzalcoatl. He held the sun in the sky in the morning. His dark twin Xolotl ruled Venus in the Evening and during the night. Xolotl pushed the sun into darkness.
Interestingly, ancient myths tell of the Creator Serpent. James Churchward wrote that this does not represent the Creator, but rather, the way the Creator creates. Joseph Campbell wrote that the ancients usually used the serpent to represent change, by the death/rebirth of shedding the old skin. The symbols seem to tell us that the Creator creates through changes. The Aztec twin serpents fit well with the same meaning.
The outer ring of the "Aztec" crop circle formation has 20 x 2 = 40 segments. I believe this may be related to two interlaced five-pointed stars, as displayed in a number of crop circle formations.
The cropcircleconnector.com people explain: August 4, 2004 Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England - Whoever, or whatever, is responsible for the August 2 to 3, 2004, crop formation at Silbury Hill, the design in its border is a mirror image of a rare statue of the Aztec God, Xochipilli, The Prince of Flowers, Maizes, Love, Games, Beauty, Song and Dance. Xochi means 'flower,' while pilli means either prince or child. In the mid-1800's, a 16th century Aztec statue of Xochipilli was unearthed on the side of the volcano Popocatapetl near Tlamanalco, Mexico. The statue is of a single figure seated upon a temple-like base.
Xochipilli statue photograph, Mysteries of the Ancient Americas
© 1986 Pegasus/Reader's Digest.
Both the statue and the base upon which it sits are covered in carvings of sacred and psychoactive flowers including mushrooms (Psilocybe aztecorum), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), morning glory (Turbina corymbosa), sinicuichi (Heimia salicifolia), possibly cacahuaxochitl (Quararibea funebris), and one unidentified flower. The figure itself sits crosslegged on the base, head tilted up, eyes open, jaw tensed, with his mouth half open. The statue is currently housed in the Museo Nacional de Anthropologia of Mexico.
The ancient Aztec statue's repeating base design of 90-degree mazes back-to-back is similar to, but curving in the opposite direction of, the August 3, 2004, border at Silbury Hill.
Above: Carved base of the 16th century Aztec statue of Xochipilli.
Below: Border in second phase of the Silbury Hill wheat formation reported on August 3, 2004.
Blow-up from aerial photograph © 2004 by Roiland Beljon.
Historically, the Aztec name for the huge basaltic monolith is Cuauhxicalli Eagle Bowl, but it is universally known as the Aztec Calendar or Sun Stone. It was during the reign of the 6th Aztec monarch in 1479 that this stone was carved and dedicated to the principal Aztec deity: the sun. The stone has both mythological and astronomical significance. It weighs almost 25 tons, has a diameter of just under 12 feet, and a thickness of 3 feet.
The Mexicans, as all other Meso-Americans, believed in the periodic destruction and re-creation of the world. The "Calendar Stone" in the Museo Nacional de Antropología (National Museum of Anthropology) in Mexico City depicts in its central panel the date 4 Ollin (movement), on which they anticipated that their current world would be destroyed by earthquake, and within it the dates of previous holocausts: 4 Tiger, 4 Wind, 4 Rain, and 4 Water. .
Every 52 years the tonalpohualli and the xiuhpohualli calendars would align. This marked what was known as a Mesoamerican "century."
Tonatiuh's Face is the face of the sun, Lord of Heaven, around which takes place all daily and periodic phenomena.
First ring from Center. Four Ollin representing the Earthquake Epoch or Sun. The four epochs represented inside the square portions of this symbol correspond to the four previous epochs also called suns.
Second Ring - The second ring from the center is composed of 20 named days contained in one month, also used for naming years. Each year starts on one of four of these 20 days.
The Calendar date '4 Ollin' will be in 2012. Actually I made a mistake, in that only 19 fine lines show up for each inner clock-hand, not 20 (couldn't see from early photos)!
Hence the inner calendar actually reads (6 + 6).19.19 = 12.19.19 rather than 12.20.20 = 13.0.0 as for any full Sun of 5200 years. That is like writing "999" just before "1000", and means (like on the outer dial) that the end of the Fourth Sun is near: but only one year and not 8.67?
Alternatively, something important might be scheduled to happen next year (at the end of 2005), then something again in December 2012? A lot of intellectual content for a fake! Some additional physical or testimonial evidence is perhaps needed
Excerpted from Cropcircleconnector.com archives of 2004
See: Sacred Numbers to Resuscitate the Dead - Lazarus and Awakening the Giant
Perhaps the two stars relate to Venus and the Aztec twin serpents as related to the Morning and Evening stars.
Here are a few interesting English alphanumerics concerning the subjects:
Quetzalcoatl 17 21 5 20 26 1 12 3 15 1 20 12 = 153
Xolotl 24 15 12 15 20 12 = 98 (2 x 49, 7 x 14, Lazarus)
Satan = 19 1 20 1 14 = 55
Xolotl Satan 98 + 55 = 153
The Golden Ratio 33 + 57 + 63 = 153
369 - 216 = 153
216 = 6 x 6 x 6
Lucifer 74 (Jesus, penny, harlot)
Kukulkan 11 21 11 21 12 11 1 14 = 102 = 51 x 2
153 = 51 x 3
There are ten ones in the above, three twos, and one four. There are three elevens, for an 11:11:11 (like KKK).
Morning Star 90 + 58 = 148
Evening Star 76 + 58 = 134 (Simon 70 + Peter 64)
The Morning Star and the Evening Star both refer to Venus.
Venus also makes a star-shaped figure in space as it revolves around the sun.
Venus 22 5 14 21 19 = 81 Horus, the son, Cardinals, Queens)
Feathered 6 5 1 20 8 5 18 5 4 = 72 (# of Divine Names, Eta Carina, Gog Magog)
Serpent 19 5 18 16 5 14 20 = 97 (Fishermen, Rockaway)
Feathered Serpent = 72 + 97 = 169 (13 squared)
The Mayan/Aztec systems used the basic numbers 13, 18, 20, 36, 360, and others.
Regards and best wishes,
Joseph E. (Joe) Mason
2 August, 2004
at Silbury Hill, near Beckhampton, Wiltshire, with Informative Links
At Lucy Pringle's Site
The Aztec Calendar
Legend of the Four Suns
The 4th & 5th Worlds of the Aztecs & Mayans
Clear image of Aztec Calendar
The Butterfly Effect
The End of the World
BBC News Article
Crop Circle Warns of World's End
Serpent Glyph from the Sun Stone (timestar)
Mayan Calendar
(explanations of glyphs)
The "Snake" Crop Circle (Kunalini)
The Aztec Calendar: Math and Design
XOCHIPILLI The Prince of Flowers
Very Large diagram with explanations
Plasma Physics: Meso-American Mythology
Greenish colorful Sun Stone
Earth Ascending - José Argüelles
9x9 Checkerboard, 6 Aug 04,
Hillwood, Aldbourne,Wiltshire
Info: Dreams of Red and Black
Info: Moon Magic Square
Info: Collection of Strange Magic Squares
Info: Mecury Magic Square
Info: Venus Magic Square
6 & 12 Star of David, 7 Aug 04,
Wilton Windmill, near Wilton,Wiltshire
2 Circle Interference Pattern, 8 Aug 04,
Shalbourne, nr Hungerford, Wiltshire
Crop Circles & Quantum Mechanics
This crop circle is communicating harmomics of the "Time of the Sixth Sun" we are currently in the Fifth Sun time era.
Compare this Crop circle to the Sixth Sun "DreamStar" tone systems diagram see attached Link - notice in the crop circle there are 16 small squares that form the large square outside in the image.
In the Crop circle "Inner circle" there is a Six pointed Star like star of David points=Six and Star=Sun thus means "Sixth Sun" the time era coming upon the completion of this current 5th Sun. These six points form the 6 suns/worlds/eras:
sun 1 - nahui Ocelotl (jaguars)
sun 2 - nahui Ehecatl (wind)
sun 3 - nahui Quiahuitl (rain)
sun 4 - nahui Atl (water)
sun 5 - nahui Ollin (earth movements - our current age)
sun 6 - nahui Xochitl (sun of flowering)
This "Inner circle" of this crop circle forms the 17th "Never-ending" position in the "DreamStar" Sixth Sun
Also notice in the crop circle the relationship of the circle (sphere) and the square (cube) and that these Crop circles are GREEN
Dreamstar 17 day Cycle
by Mark Fussel
You will notice many crop circles have harmonics that appear related.
The Mayan periods/cycles of Time known as SUNS. Some sources cite we are in 4th Sun and some cite 5th Sun. These are the same depending upon if you start counting at "zero" or "one"
start at Zero: 0 1 2 3 (4) 5
start at One: 1 2 3 4 (5) 6
We are currently in the (4)th or (5)th SUN depending upon where start counting. And we are moving into either the (5)th or (6)th SUN/world again depending on where you start counting.
Best guess is that we are entering SIXTH SUN according to Maya 2012 date. The image shows but one of them is a shift or change in the harmonics of creation. Some Crop Circles are communicating this shift/change.
The current Mayan Tzolkin has 13 tones and the Sixth Sun Tzolkin has 17 tones. These numbers 13 and 17 can be found in various Crop Circles. As other related numbers like the "center" number [7] or [9]. Which are the center tones of each tzolkin respectively.
1 2 3 4 5 6 [7] 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [9] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Also the "Alpha" , "Center" , and "Omega" tones maybe multiplied to give other frequency harmonic information:
1 x 7 x 13 = 91
This is the number of steps on each of the 4 sides of some Maya pyramids and thus 4 x 91 = 364 ..... 364 + 1 (top) = 365 (solar year)
1 x 9 x 17 = 153 See: http://www.greatdreams.com/153.htm and http://www.greatdreams.com/constellations/17-fish.htm
Mark Borcherding
Mayan glyph
In The Mayan Factor by José Arguelles, we understand that LAMAT marks the beginning of the final AHAU cycle which includes all 13 Katuns. This final cycle is a culmination of the Baktun of the Transformation of Matter and began in the year 1756 to be completed in the year 2012. The energy of LAMAT is to ‘Seal [the whole mind of the world] with the Star-Seed Harmony’. LAMAT heralds a new way of living on Earth and a new experience and understanding of material life, including our own bodies. This is certainly reflected in the beautiful and elegant symmetry of this crop circle.
On top of all that, the particular shape of the formation is also found in a symbol for Mother Mary, an ancient Goddess figure, as well as a venerated Christian icon.
Mary’s symbol based on Maltese cross and pagan symbol
In this symbol, we see references to the four solar turning-points of the year, as well as the lunar aspects (dark and light circles), rendering Her, Lady of All the World. An interesting point is that LAMAT as a word stands for ‘rabbit’ which is also a long-standing symbol for the Goddess.
Michelle Jennings
Arguelles, José. The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology. Bear & Co. Rochester. 1996.
Spilsbury, Ariel & Michael Bryner. Donna Kiddie, illus. The Mayan Oracle: Return
Path to the Stars. Bear & Co. Rochester. 1992.
Walker, Barbara. The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols & Sacred Objects. Castle Books. 1988.
2012 Unlimited. http://www.2012.com.au/Solar_Glyphs.htm
On September 26th, Joe Mason realized that another formation should be included in the list:
The above is one of the "Checkerboard" Patterns, of the Greene County, Pennsylvania, formations that appeared around 3 July 2005. See:
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005
Post subject: Pennsylvania "Checkerboard" Pattern Like Woolstone
It has been pointed out that several U.K. formations contain the eight or nine step spiral of rectangles, such as those at Boreham Down, Woolstone Hill, and Wayland's Smithy:
Image credit: Viktor Mika,CZ
Joe Mason says the Woolstone Hill formation was, perhaps, the most information-rich
The U.K. formation of 2005, at Ripley, near Bournemouth, Dorset should probably also be included. It was reported 17 April 2005.
The spiraling numbers of the Ripley crop glyph is similar to the spiraling squares in the previous glyph.
At least one other person has pointed this out. The 6 pointed star, when looked at from an angle, looks like 3 blocks. I finally got around to illustrating the idea. Such block designs are often shown like a wall of blocks. It is sometimes used to illustrate how our perception can view an image in different ways. The view can appear as looking down at the tops of the boxes, or as looking up to the bottoms of the boxes:
Earth Star – A Mayan Connection!!
The beautiful earth star which fell onto fields at Echilhampton, near Devizes on August 15 is indeed a delicate formation and merits much appreciation. It is also the shape of the Mayan star-glyph, LAMAT, ‘Yellow Star’ and is associated with the planet Venus in that tradition. Here is a meditation on that glyph as it is presented in the website: http://www.2012.com.au/Solar_Glyphs.html :
LAMAT. (Star) The Mayan star. This step is basically about learning to love. You develop a tolerance and a compassion for yourself and others. The ability to love yourself is very important in attaining wisdom, and it is perfected here. You begin to feel a profound sense of your own value and a love for yourself exactly as you are. You evolve this self-love into a deep love for humanity and a love and caring for the planet Earth. Meditating with this glyph will help you remember and hold the vibration for unconditional love. The solar glyph painting Lamat portrays with colors our coming forth into being from love when we awake, creating our bodies out of light, then our return back to love, which we all do each time we fall asleep. Lamat is the symbolic portrayal that love is what we are.”
© 1992 Donna Kiddie
The crop picture which appeared on August 18 at Etchilhampton Hill seems to show (i) the four-fold pointed-symmetry of a gravitational wave field, as well as (ii) certain grid lines which are commonly used to represent gravity or curved space time:
Four-fold pointed-symmetry of a gravitational wave field from Rep. Prog. Physics 63, 1317-1427, 2000
Schematic grid lines used to represent curved spacetime from Amer. J. Physics 73, 248-260, 2005.
The new Etchilhampton Hill crop picture thus has a concise, logical meaning:
"Space-time may vibrate in two different directions, either 'up-down' or 'left-right', in response to the field energy of a passing gravitational wave".
But why should the crop artists draw that particular picture at the end of 2006, after five other amazing "wormhole" pictures which illustrated possible technological uses of curved space-time? There could be two reasons.
First, gravitational wave detectors are being built now all around the world; some are even planned for space. Those new and highly-sensitive devices may be used to detect gravity waves from distant astronomical sources, which could potentially cause severe geological disturbances in the future, if any of them were to pass through our Solar System at light speed c.
For example, we learn from a website at Caltech: "Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time. When they enter our LIGO detector, they will decrease the distance between test masses on one arm, while increasing it on the other arm. Such changes can be detected by bouncing laser beams back and forth between the test masses, then by interfering laser beams from the two arms."
"LIGO" stands for "Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory" (www.ligo.caltech.edu/LIGO_web/about/factsheet.html).
The same four-fold pointed-symmetry shown at Etchilhampton Hill appears over an illustration of their detector:
Secondly, it would not seem impossible that gravitational waves are now in transit toward Earth. Many previous crop pictures suggest this. Furthermore, see (below) speculations by Paul LaViolette, a non-mainstream astronomer, about the Boxing Day 2004 earthquake and its causes; as well as observations by Lonnie Thompson, the American glaciologist, concerning the last major sudden-climate-change on Earth in 3100 BC (end of the Mayan "Fourth Sun").
Now when a powerful gravity wave with pointed four-fold symmetry passes through Earth, it may produce two different kinds of geological vibration as either "up-down" or "left-right", just as were shown schematically at Etchilhampton Hill:
If the whole planet Earth vibrates suddenly like that, there are going to be plenty of earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes Due to the relatively large size of most gravity waves, nearby stars could be affected as well. Recall from the Christian and Jewish scriptures various passages where "the Earth will reel like a drunkard" or "the seas will roar" and "powers (stars) in the heaven will be shaken". The Koran of Muslim faith describes a similar event. .
How might gravity waves be produced in far distant parts of our galaxy? Gravity waves may be produced through several different mechanisms, the most common of which might be 'collapsing neutron stars' or 'binary black holes'.
Paul LaViolette has argued that a gravity wave from a collapsing neutron star caused the Boxing Day 2004 earthquake www.etheric.com/GalacticCenter/GRB.html). It was followed by an x-ray blast on the next day, consistent with Einstein-Rosen theory.
By contrast, long-term-periodic emission of gravity waves might be better ascribed to binary black holes, one of which could perhaps be present at the centre of our Milky Way:
For example, if the two components of some binary system at the centre of our Milky Way were to orbit once every 5125 Earth years, then they might strongly emit gravity waves only once during some brief part of that mutual orbit, when they come close together. If that is the case, then a twin pulse of gravity waves and x-rays could potentially be emitted from the centre of our galaxy once every 5125 years. It would then take another 40,000 years (roughly) to reach Earth and Sun at light speed c.
Could such a binary system of black holes, and long-term-periodic emission of gravity waves, provide a plausible mechanism for 5100-year periodicities in the ancient Mayan calendar?
The accuracy of the Mayan calendar was recently validated by American glaciologist Lonnie Thompson, who found many different lines of evidence for a sudden, worldwide climate change on Earth 5138 plus or minus 45 years ago (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 103, 10536-10543, 2006). He has attributed that event to "a sudden change in the brightness of our Sun". His dates from radio-isotope analysis agree well with the Mayan calendar value of 5120 years ago for "end of the Fourth Sun". According to that same calendar, the next major event will occur six years from now in 2012.
Could that be what the current crop-circle phenomenon is all about? The crop artists have been warning us about wave-like emissions from the galactic centre since at least 1994: see for example a lucid crop picture from that year, which shows a Mayan symbol for the galactic centre on the left, with curly rays or waves emerging on all sides:
In modern terms, the Mayan symbol for "galactic centre" might represent the curved in-fall of stars near some black hole, for example Sgr A*.
Another pair of crop pictures at Etchilhampton in 1997 warned that our Sun would "flare" in 2012, perhaps due to gravity waves passing through it.
In 2005, the "mace" showed an explosion from some central source (galactic?) in six spatial directions +x, -x, +y, -y, +z, -z, where various star systems affected were seemingly drawn all around:
Isabelle Kingston noted, from supposed psychic contact, that crop pictures are being given now "at a cataclysmic time in Earth's history" (see Freddy Silva's book)
Both Wayland's Smithy pictures of August 2005 and July 2006 could plausibly be interpreted in terms of astronomical rays which will impact Earth and Sun in mid-August 2007. An alternative explanation for Wayland's Smithy of July 2005 in terms of "skyscrapers" can not explain why it shows numerous mathematical codes See also HERE
Finally, regarding to the supposed future predictive ability of our crop artists, the putative August 2007 event will be a good test to learn whether they might be truthful and reliable concerning December 2012 Or as John Locke once wrote (Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 1690), "In matters of substance, experiment can be our only guide."
If the crop artists do have wormhole / time-travel technology, as suggested by five other pictures this year, then their arcane source of knowledge seems self-evident! By contrast, the Chronology Protection Postulate of Stephen Hawking asserts that past-transfer of future-knowledge would not be permitted by "the laws of Nature". But nothing is more common than for great scientists to disagree.....
Posted from: http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2006/etchilhampton/etchilhampton2006c.html
(This posting at cropcircleconnector.com will be archived for only paying customers at the end of 2006.)
2012 - LINKS
2012 - WHAT'S NEW?
A NEW LOOK AT 2012...2039?
ABOUT VENUS IN 2004 - 2012
A Millennium Prayer For The End of Days
Aligning With the Spirit of the Maya Calendar End-Date 2012
Special Message -1998 - 2012
Novelty Theory and the Singularity of Dec. 21, 2012
Number 26, The Mayan Tzolkin,
and the Grid Crop Circle
Prepare for a World Mayan Calendar Day, January 5, 1999!
Spirals of Time
by Kiara Windrider
The Cosmic Meaning of the Mayan Calendar
13-Baktun Cycle Wave Harmonic of History : A splendid colour version of Arguelles' diagram of the 260 Katuns of the Great Cycle, combined with all events of History (since records began).
13 PIK The Mayan Perspective on 2012
13 Year Countdown to 2012 : Aluna Joy Yaxk'in gives astrological predictions for each of the 20 years of the last katun of the Great Cycle : A message from our future selves. Is it a spoof, or genuine Coming Transformation site?
2012 Unlimited : An Australian site covering Earth changes, Mayan Calendar, frequency rise, UFOs, dimensional shift, etc.
2012, Comet Lee and the Birth of Our New Neighbour : Howard Middleton Jones says there is a new planet forming near the sun which will be part of a planetary alignment in 2012. Howard's alternative site and here
21 December 2012 The Mayan Calendar End-Date : “Information Made Easy for the Everyday Earthling to Understand”
A Millennium Prayer For The End Days - Aligning With The Maya Calendar End date 2012 : Dwayne Rourke's recipe of preparation is a Mayan rite of the 4 Directions
Alignment 2012: John Major Jenkins on the solstice sun/galactic centre conjunction in 2012. Jenkins’ original “4 Ahau Press” site is now encapsulated in this new site, under the title of “Old City”. Here you can find essays on the alignment of the solstice sun with galactic centre, which Jenkins decoded as the meaning behind the end of the Mayan Great Cycle. There are also 3 unpublished chapters that were cut from his Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 book, discussion of his earlier works, such as Tzolkin – Visionary Perspectives and Calendar Studies,
AD 2012… Is Something Big Coming? : Inspired by the Mayan calendar, the Hopi Indians, Hancock’s Fingerprints of the Gods, and 13 different channelled sources, going back to the Seventies, several of which mention 2011 or 2012, this page on the “From the Stars” site gives highlights from the 13 transmissions
-AD 2012, 2013, AND BEYOND-
Amazing Creation & Annihilation of Universe Concepts : Hindu cosmology compared with Mayan cosmology: in December 2012, humanity enters Samadhi, says Ed Viswanathan
Ambilac News : A page on the Ambilac site explaining the 2012 planetary alignment & how it is encoded at Giza
Ambilac's New Site : Wilkie - Jones join forces to sort out the confusion in trying to follow their theory of imminent changes, 2012 etc. See esp. Interdimensional Physics and On the 8th Day
An Open Letter From Jay Weidner: Jay announces a new edition of Monument to the End of Time, of which he will be sole author, and comments on the recent controversy surrounding his previous co-author.
Analysis of Fractal Time Compression Wave Event Horizons 1996-2012 : A brief analysis of Timewave Zero displays earthquake prediction
Ananda-Emmanuel : A Norwegian contactee is working with scientists, making incredible 2012 discoveries. Time Gate (Alternative URL)
Antville 2012 - News Dept. of Survive 2012
Apollonius - Rogue Planet : The Apollonius site has a host of interesting essays supporting the claim that Nibiru is about to return to this solar system in 2012. Venus Birth) and eruption of Santorini, is EXACTLY 3,600 years before 2012 Velikovsky explaining why. (3,600 years being the orbit-time of Nibiru Nibiru)
Audrey's Ancient EgyptAudrey Fletcher has decoded the Egyptian Narmer palette & worked out that the Age of Aquarius starts in 2012
Awakening to the Omega Point Bob Buck,s essay, The Book of Revelation mena, includes a spectrum shift in auroras, caused by a huge magnetic area we are moving into, that he calls a “naked singularity
Blue Honey - The Infinite Mushroom : Mayan calendar & the Timewave, as connected by psychedelic mushrooms, plus Gaia, Science, Art and more. A compilation of McKenna quotes and downloads about 2012
Brainmachines.com : A psychedelic, techno-shamanic site, with a DMT page and several Terence McKenna pages ..,and of course, brain machines as an alternative method of accessing altered states...
CassiopaeaThe 6 th dimension CassiopeansThe Wave) how there are a cluster of comets on a 3,600-year orbit, which appears as a single body. Every time the comets come, the Annunaki arrive just beforehand, to feed on the soul energy created by fear.Right behind the comet cluster is a "Realm Border Wave" which returns every 309,000 years, (12 precessional cycles) and will merge this "3rd density" with the next one up - the 4th density, by 2012. See Whats New 22
Cerebrex about Neuro-Techno-Shamanism. That is the pursuit of altered states using mind machines &other technology. Includes reviews of McKenna & Jenkins' books
Celestial Dynamics "Celestial Dynamics Orbital Calendar Poster" here, which shows how "the planets come into alignment in 2012"
Chapel PerilousAn interpretation of The Bible Code, which implies that Mars will be crumbled by Earth in 2012, NOT Earth hit by shattered comet.
Chichen Itza in 2012 a selection of Mayan links
Chiron Communications : The website of Steven McFadden, author of Profiles in Wisdom, and Legend of the Rainbow Warriors - both books relate to 2012
Cosmic Stargate: Beyond the Millennium : Steven Hanauer's overview of cataclysm & transformation at the end of the Long Count calendar
Cosmic Stargate part 2: The second part of Steven Hanauer's planned series of articles on how to prepare for the coming earth changes and dimensional shift. Includes evidence of a possible cover-up concerning the current escalation of solar storms and flares; the changes these are already causing; and how to prepare physically and spiritually.
Crawford 2000 A Discussion of the Mayan calendar, 2012, 2011, pole shift, magnetic field, Schumann resonance, Inca prophecies, plus illicit copy of the Geoff Stray Aztec Pizza article – original article at Swirled News
Crop Circles, Gods and Secrets: Robert J. Boerman, from Holland, has deciphered a code in crop formations, which brings our attention to the 26,000 year precession cycle and its end in 2012, with a possible return of the gods. Here is his article The 12th Planet - a return in 2012?
December 12, 2012
Earthsong 2012 Lightworkers,healing, channeling,
Earth Pole Shift 2012 & Keith Hunter theorises that a pole shift is coming that will restore the earth's 360-day rotation period, and eventually restore it to its original spherical state, raising the consciousness of mankind.
Eclipses & Venus Transit in 2012 : A page on an eclipse site, with predictions of track & appearance of eclipses & Venus transit in 2012
Elftrance : McKenna
Elftrance : Downoads
Eclipses in 2012 NASA eclipse site.
2012 - Eschaton
Event 2012 : Video coverage of a Popul Vuh re-enactment ceremony by contemporary Mayans, as preparation for the forthcoming end of the Great Cycle. Acalan home page
Evolution DayThe title of this website refers to the end of the 13-Baktun cycle in 2012. The purpose is to network people in a global experiment in order to create a positive, spiritual future by synchronised meditation and other practises, performed at appropriate times, in places of energetic potency.
Exodus 2006 : A Rastafarian site that links the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, Revelation, The Bible Code, The Mayan calendar and other sources, to predict the end-times between 2006 and 2012. The Whole Book of Enoch is available on line here! This is an interesting translation of the Ethiopian text e.g. 21.8: “This place is terrible…” NB Church at Rennes Le Chateau and 65.1: “Noah saw the Earth had tilted…” These are different from the translation of R. H. Charles.)
Fusion Anomaly - 2012 : This is a "node" in an 881-node brain about trance music - see also Omega Point, Eschaton, McKenna, Timewave Zero, MC2012
Future Visions 2012 : Aansha Jones had a dream while pregnant, that someone gave her a baby to hold, and she asked the baby why he was on Earth at this time. He replied "For The Event", she asked "When's that?" and he replied "13/14 December 2012." She sees The Event as a 3D-5D transition.
Gaiasphere 2013 : A discussion site set up by the website, with general topics of noise, details, gaia, data, music, conspirofact, transmission, all of which departments have several separate discussions on related topics. "Gaia" seems to be the one most directly connected to 2012/2013 discussions
Galactic Alignment - The lost Knowledge of the Ancients : John Major Jenkins' forthcoming book, can be sampled here, where you can read the introduction, chapter 5 and chapter 17. There is also a copy of the introduction at the Earthportals site, where Willard Van De Bogart will soon be posting a review. An essay by JMJ covering some of the subjects discussed in the book, has been posted at Graham Hancock's website, along with another essay, Alignment 2012, covering his book, Maya Cosmogenesis 2012.
Galactic solstice 2012 : A page advertising Richard Dannelley's book about the effects of the 2012 galactic conjunction on Earth energy grids
Galactic Mandala a huge painting showing the positions of every planet in every sign from 2000 until 21st December 2012. It is also overlaid with the Tzolkin, galactic seasons, haab and thirteen moon calendar.”
Galaxy WaveArticles by Raymond Mardyks, Hunbatz Men, Carl Johann Calleman, and others, on Mayan Calendars and 2012. This is the company who published Raymond Mardyks' "Maya Daykeeper Calendar", but it apparently only goes up to January 2001
Genesis 2012 Foundation : From here, you can access a maze of Tibet-based pages about Maitreya and his plan for a one-world government (nothing to do with Benjamin Creme)
Hope 2012 : Holistic & parapsychological education to prepare for the coming shift. Alternative URL
Hope 2012 (b) : A lost piece of the Hope 2012 website
HyperboreaTerence McKenna's site discussing the I Ching Timewave which terminates in 2012. Here can be found all sorts of information, on the Timewave, technoshamanism, altered states, UFOs, drugs, rainforest flora, conferences and talks, video, audio, CD and books by McKenna. Also Tantric material, poetry, Quantum Physics, virtual reality, alchemy, magic, astronomy, cosmology, sacred geometry, fractals, archaeology, art and more.
Imagidelica : Still under construction, this site, "an on-line HIVE nodal point of hypercondsensed imagination", discusses the forthcoming dimensional shift in 2012
Info About Energies - Now to 2012 : How to deal with coming effects of the Shift; Light Body Activation
Into the Heart of Creation : Dwayne Edward Rourke's page on "Embodying the Wisdom of the Mayan Sacred Calendar". The phase of the moon at your moment of birth is the key to coping with 2012
Kalki, Avatar of the Golden Age : Kalki, last incarnation of Vishnu is here, and intends to enlighten 60,000 people before 2012, so as to form a critical mass that will cause a chain-reaction, enlightening all mankind in preparation for the Golden age in 2012.
Foundation or World Awakening
More on KalkiNew Kalki links:
True Awakening
World Awakening
Latinola site: Mayan elder, Don Alejandro Cirilo Pérez Oxlaj says "...on Dec. 20, 2012, Mother Earth will pass inside the center of a magnetic axis..." This will precede earthquakes & loods.
Leading Edge International Research Group: This site has articles on McKenna's Timewave, Montauk, Drunvalo Melchizedek,, abduction, and more. If you put "2012" into the site search engine, 19 pages will be listed.
Lightworkers Tempel: A Dutch New Age site, which includes Harley Swiftdeer's Rainbow Dream Vision and a Maya/2012 page. A new 2012 page on the same site, sounds like it may have been written by Golem, "We'll travel true a tunnel who looks like a navel-string "At precisely 21/12/2012 the calendar stops. Many cycles are ended on this precise moment"; "we'll not blow ourself sky high..." etc.
LiquidLightbody.com Laurence Lucas has investigated Mayan, Egyptian, Tibetan & Chinese mysteries and formulated a sythesis by which we can prepare our higher dimensional vehicle for the shift in 2012. The method uses astrology, shamanism, yoga, movement, sound, and Mayan calendrics (- the True Count).
Magic Music Myth – a rock opera, cd & live concert by Alchemy about judgement of the devil in 2012
Maya Calendar and Cosmology : John Major Jenkins on the solstice sun/galactic centre conjunction in 2012. Jenkins’ original “4 Ahau Press” site is now encapsulated in this new site, under the title of “Old City”. Here you can find essays on the alignment of the solstice sun with galactic centre, which Jenkins decoded as the meaning behind the end of the Mayan Great Cycle.
Maya Mystery School : This page concerns the angle of stairways on Mayan pyramids, plus Carl Sagan's film, Contact; both connect to 2012
McKenna's Timewave Examined A mathematical critique of the original Timewave Zero (wrongly presumes McKenna chose end to coincide with end of Maya Cal)
Mutation Parlour : An Australian site linking Chaos Magick, Maat Magick, McKenna, Arguelles & Hopi Prophecies. In 2012, a group-awakeming of Kundalini will occur for Humanity & Gaia. Special "Chakra-Piercing" rites are being held at sacred sites to ease the process.
Network 2012 : A connection for Light Workers , covering their efforts to raise global consciousness for the Shift in 2012
Nibiruan Council: Jelaila Starr is in contact with the beings living on Nibiru - the planet on a massive elliptical orbit, due to return to our solar system in 2012.
Noah's Ark 2012a specialist site for vegetarian astronomers, includes Jenkins' "Why 2012" essay & great effects
The Early 21st Century: 2003-2012
Novelty Theory and the Singularity of Dec. 21 2012 : A very brief summary of Timewave Zero
True Hallucinations - Terrence McKenna
On the Brink - A Three-Part Overview of Crop Circles : Rodney-Carr-Smith explains how Earth energy currents and crop formations relate to 2012
Orion Prophecy : A new book is due out in 2001 by Patrick Geryl and Gino Ratinckx, called "The Orion Prophecy - Prophecies From an Ancient Mayan & Egyptian Civilization for the Year 2012".
These are the archaeoastronomers who discovered the Labyrinth
In Egypt, following on from Bauval's discoveries. Count down for the new Sun for a review by Jacques Groenen, who has read the Dutch edition.
Paradigm Shift 2012 : An interpretation via standard astrology of 2012, finds Pluto & Uranus connect it to 1776
Paradise 2012 : Ex-NASA graduate Todd Boe makes digital video linked to psychoactive music to accelerate evolution ready for 2012
Phantasm 2012 ADSubtitle: The Mormon Mausoleum - Apocalypse and Hell on Earth, this is about a proposed sequel to the film Phantasm.
Pleiadian Light Body DNA Activation Program
Predictions For 1999-2012 Rafael Aric Rey finds that the Biblical prophecies of End-Times were talking about the time up to 2012, some of this may surprise you
Predictions For 2012
Quetza-Sha: A "Mayan-Aztec Shaman", Quetza-Sha claims to have deciphered 777 ancient manuscripts, and has some interesting prophecies
Raising the Djed Moira Timms describes an ancient Egyptian rite that should be carried out at Winter Solstices to prepare for the Big One
Second Coming
SiLoam.Net Adventures in Archaeoastronomy :
Solstice Studios
Solstice/Galactic Alignment - Now or 2012?
Sound Photosynthesis :
Sphinx Stargate :
Star Birth Bardo in the Body of Orion
Stardog 2012
Steve Alten:
Surfing the Apocalypse
Survive 2012: Ancient Maya Doomsday
Temple of Sakkara :
Terence Tells : A selection of McKenna material, with an excellent interactive painting of TM - just pass your cursor over it & see.
Terence McKenna Bibliography
Terence McKenna Land The Bomb A resource page about Grant Morrison's cartoon, in which all conspiracies are controlled by the "Archons of the Outer Church"." The Invisibles are their enemies: working alone or in cells, they fight against the Universal Conspiracy as we spiral towards the Apocalypse (which according to the Mayan calendar will happen on December 22nd 2012"
The Celestial Clock : Dr. William A. Gaspar has written a book explaining the Great Cycle of Mayan Long Count as a quarter of a "warming cycle", which is part of a 23,000-year "dominant ice volume collapse cycle", leading to a cyclical pole shift with resultant earthquakes & floods.
The Early 21st Century: 2003-2012
Lucifer's Hammer
The New Millennium - Beyond 2012
The How & Why of The Mayan End-Date in 2012 AD : John Major Jenkins' important essay with colourful painting - also at Hyperborea, but with summary, notes & refs at that site. Alternative URL or another
The Mayan Site : Alom Ahau Tze'ec is a Mayan teacher who tells of the 21 December 2012 as the final moment in the great cleansing of Mother Earth. we must let go of past patterns that are stopping our vibrational frequency from increasing.
The Photon Belt : Dr.Noel Huntley gives the case FOR the photon belt.
The Portal into the Heart of Creation : Willard Van de Bogart reviews Jenkins' Maya Cosmogenesis 2012. An excellent review of an excellent book, plus several 2012 and precession links.
The Straight Dope: Is The Earth About to Enter the Photon Belt Causing the End to All Life As We Know It? : "Cecil"gives the case AGAINST the Photon Belt (see also article by Dr. Paul LaViolette on the Sphinx Stargate site).
The Strange Attractor Crop Formation and The End of Time : Joe Mason comments on an article by Geoff Stray about a convergence of 2012 Omega Pointers - see here for original article ( Hieroglyphs of Dimensional Interface).
The Unfolding Technology of Crop Circles : Freddy Silva tells an amazing story of Chris Hardeman's anti-gravity machine, based on the Barbury Castle Pictogram, and connects it to the Timewave of the McKenna brothers - (emphasising the hologrammatic angle of Timewave theory). Also at The Crop Circular
The Unlimited Dream Company : Site of the people who put Towards 2012 together, apparently unlinked. A good article by Gyrus on the Timewave Zero software
Time Travel With the Hyper Dimensional Resonator : Steven Gibbs has invented a time travel machine, so you can verify what he says will happen in 2012. Buy the plans here
Timestar Earth : Crop circles and their link to the Mayan calendar plus the 1991 Mexican UFO wave; accurate earth change predictions claimed - however, they are linked to the invented Dreamspell count, which is not a true Mayan count.
Time Wave Zero 2012 : This is a discussion group that was set up by zyzygyz in order to discuss the Timewave and its imminent termination point. Messages can be accessed by guests, but to post a message you have to join -
Towards 2012 : Excerpts from the journal of millennial mutation. A McKenna interview by Gyrus that was never published, plus other archived material is being collected at the brand new Norlonto website.
Transformation 2012 : "Independent Product/Media Source. Australia products/Books/Videos & Membership on; Natural Medecine/Issues, Free Energy Technology, The Transformation, Conspiracies + more..."
VK4VKD-One Man Tower- Radio Antenna Towers An Australian ham radio enthusiast has discovered a sunspot cycle ending in 2012, through studying radio interference - the page has now been transformed into an eBook, called Something is Wrong With Our Sun
Web of Light : Judith Bluestone Polich's website. She has just written a book called "Return of the Children of Light - Incan and Mayan Prophecies for a New World" The site covers the book, tour schedules, workshops, and related subjects. Sounds interesting - tieing in the Incan prophecies with the Mayan, like Joan Parisi Wilcox has, in her recent book, Keepers of the Ancient Knowledge.
Webtrance : Rare downloadable McKenna video footage shot in South Africa
What happens in 2012? The Solar Tribe provide a message from the Cosmic Maya about a leap to the 6th dimension, plus Mushroom religion, the Annunaki, and more.
Wheels Within Wheels : You must see this moving model that shows how Mayan calendrical cycles interact!
Why 2012? : This is a good question, since this page doesn't seem to mention it, but has been given this title in the browser. However, the subject is images of asteroids from the Near Asteroid Tracking System. Is this a coded message? For Jenkins' answer to the question Why 2012?, click here, or see The How & The Why of The Mayan End-Date in 2012 AD above
Wolflodge: Visions 1993 - 2013 : Harley Swiftdeer's Rainbow Dream Vision covering the years 1993 to 2013.
X-mas 2012 AD : An attempt to start a desert community for hip musicians called Disturbia, to experiment with post-apocalyptic music recording
Zion Nirvana : Rastafarian/Buddhist fusion - Dub sounds to amuse you while the groovoids load (if you've already got "beatnick" - if not, get it here). You should arrive at the Revelation Time page, with 2012 links, (but you may have to go automatically via the index page).
The Maya Astronomy Page
The Popol Vuh
The Mayan Prophecies
The Mayan Calendar
The Mayan Connection
Please inform us whenever you find a link referring to the year 2012
so we can add it to this site.
e-mail to dee777@aol.com
Published by
Alex Braun
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